"I'll upload all the data to the Phoenix. Franklin and Adams will accompany you to the meeting. Pick your best men, and show the Thewls anything they ask for," Lay heaved. "I'm afraid this as far as I go."

He smiled then, but it was a sad expression. O'Hara saluted, and the admiral returned it. When Lay started to leave them, O'Hara called out.

"Sir, what do you mean?"

The old man's smile flickered. Instead of replying, he turned again and left. The captain looked over his new companions. They were strange.

Both men were roughly six feet tall, athletically built, and wore black, pinstriped suits, but their shoes were military combat boots, which their slacks didn't effectively hide. Their striking similarities also gave them the appearance of brothers.

Both had angular features, hard eyes, and though Adams had black hair combed back, and Franklin had short, curly, brown hair, both had chiseled chins, and high cheekbones. After further observation, which they didn't mind, he noted something else strange; their eyes were in a state of repose; they were both totally unruffled by everything.

The captain had seen gray and blue eyes before, but the calculating, almost all-knowing, confidence the men possessed culminated in their stare. Finally, they slightly gestured with opposing hands, inviting the captain. O'Hara nodded, and they made their way back aboard the Phoenix.

It was a quick return trip to the meet and greet with the ambassador. Adams and Franklin didn't say a word for the whole ride. They simply sat, staring at the wall on the bridge, not even the screen, which displayed all kinds of terrain over which they zipped. The rest of the crew eyed the duo curiously.

Suddenly, Adams said, "My associate and I think it best to keep this meeting a small one. Perhaps, you're willing to have us accompany you and no one else."

Furrowing his brow, he scrutinized them yet again. He felt a little uneasy. They were too calm for whatever was taking place.

"I'm sorry, what bureau are you two from again?"

Adams and Franklin exchanged looks. "The Bureau," Franklin replied.

They even sound the same, O'Hara thought. "I'm taking Swain and Nandesrikahl. Fitzpatrick and DeReaux will post outside."

Minutes later, the AMS came on, stating they reached the programmed coordinates. The group of seven went out to meet the Thewls. Seeing the new faces, the spec ops members looked at each other. O'Hara knew they were wondering about Adams and Franklin. He gave them a shrug of resignation, so they assumed information was on a need to know basis.

Fitzpatrick and DeReaux posted up on a different hill than before. Their vantage point was less appealing, but it wasn't wise to set up in the same place twice, even if it was under friendly conditions. Thewl ships pierced Eon's hazy veil. Silvery, soundless vessels landed, blowing a puff of dust into the air. Once the loading platform released, a rover pulled out while other Thewls set up chairs and tables. Something intriguing caught DeReaux's eye.

"Joi de vivre, they brought women," he nudged Fitzpatrick.

She smiled and nodded. "Maybe...Thewl men have tits, and the women are the ones we've been dealing with."

With a slight frown, he shot her a dirty look. At that time, Adams and Franklin sat down on chairs placed in front of the ambassador. The captain remained standing directly behind them, practically holding his breath.

"I'm glad to see you again, ambassador. These men are the admiral's associates, Adams and Franklin," he said, carefully.

"Yes," Adams agreed. "We understand that you require certain data for your project."

Beyond the End of the World, Lokians 1Where stories live. Discover now