"Omg. I'm so sorry Janae." Stacey said.

"Baby don't worry about it. I got you. We will send the movers truck to move this tonight and we can go ahead and hit the road." Trey said.

"Are you sure you want to get involved with this? I'm considered a murderer." Janae said.

"Yes I'm sure. I love you. And I told you I believe in love in first sight and you are that to me." Trey said as he held her.

"Ok enough with the mussy shit. Let's call the movers. Everything is packed. Let's get the hell out of here before we all go to jail." Stacey said.

They all grabbed their purses and bags that they was taking in the cars and left. Trey drove off and headed back to his home. At first it was silent in the car and Trey looked at Janae and smiled.

He grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"Baby don't worry please. I promise you we will get all of this situated. And we can live happily. You hear me?" Trey said.

Tears ran down her face as Trey talked to her. She didn't know what to feel or how to feel. It felt like her life was closing in on her and she didn't like that feeling at all.

"Trey I don't deserve this. This should be self defense. After all the things he did to me. I was going to defend myself. I was five years old. Five. Where was the justice in that?" Janae said through her tears.

"I know Janae. And I'm sorry you had to experience that. I wish someone would have fixed this for you. To have to be abused sexually by your own father is so messed up. And I know that's a lot. Let me ask you. Have you ever received therapy for this?" Trey asked.

"No. I didn't." Janae admitted.

"We'll if you don't mind me doing this. I will like for you to talk to someone. I'll pay for it and all.
Just to give you some peace of mind." Trey said as he glanced at her.

"I would love that." Janae said.

"Great. Well when we get home I will call a friend of mine and set that up for you. And anything you need you let me know. I got you." Trey said as he rubbed her hand.

"Thank you Trey. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Anytime. Now relax and take you a nap. It's gonna be a long ride."

Janae laid the seat back facing Trey. With him still rubbing her hand she fell asleep. Trey drove for as long as he could and pulled over in a rest area. Janae felt the car pull over so she got up.

"Is something wrong?" Janae asked as she stretched.

"Oh nah. I got to pee." He said taking his seatbelt off.

He looked down at Janae and smiled.

"What's the smile for?" Janae asked as she blushed.

"Nothing. I was just admiring the beautiful woman that you are. And I'm so glad that I have you for a girl. Well my fiancé. I can't wait to marry you." Trey said.

Janae smiled back at him. Trey leaned down and kissed her lips softly. Pulling back from him she rubbed his face.

"I love you too Trey. I'm just scared." She said as she rubbed his cheek.

Placing his hand on top of hers she smiled and kissed her lips again.

"No need to be baby. I got your back."

Janae pulled him down and kissed him passionately. Things started to get heated in the car. Rick walked to the window and tapped it.

Trey looked back and smiled. He rolled the window down.

"My bad man. Here I come." Trey said to Rick.

Rick looked down in the car at Janae.

"Give the man some breathing space. Damn. I got to pee." Rick said jokingly.

They all laughed. They use the bathroom and headed back on the road.

Trey is so sweet!!!!

Janae found a real man!!!!

I love Rick!!!!!

Janet is just down right nasty!!!!!

Comment and vote!!!!!!

I will update this book when the reads hit 800.

My Fathers LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin