"There's nowhere left to go, my Queen. Tell me how to fix you."

She turned her face, squeezing her eyes shut. Did he know he was killing her? "You touch me, hold me, kiss me, you know, all the things you won't do for me, but you will for her."

She could feel his hands slide closer to her skin and she flinched at the feel of her body crying out for his. "Is that what you think I was doing to her? You think I was touching her? Holding her? Kissing her?"

She couldn't think to try to remember what she saw and honestly, she didn't want to. Voyeurism had never been her thing and besides, she was too busy dying then and she was dying now.

"Answer me." His breath curled around her skin and she squeezed her eyes tighter, biting off the groan that wanted desperately to be free. Why was everything about this man so intense, when he was the king of ice?

"I don't know," she pushed the words out as her hands fisted against the stone wall. He had to go away, had to move because she was going to crumble and touch him and he would leave then anyway, right? She could feel the tears prick at her eyes but she refused them. Her eyes opened, but stared blindly into a dark corner of his rooms. She couldn't see him. Couldn't look at him.

His hand gripped her chin, fingers tightening on her flesh and she couldn't stop the gasp at the flare of heat. He turned her head to face him, so close, too close. Losing the fight, she brought her hands up, desperate to push him away from her, to take a breath of something that wasn't him, to pull him closer and get lost in his lips. His words from the last time he almost gave in came back to her. Don't touch me.

She wanted, god, how she wanted to take that tiny step that would have his body flush with hers, to burn in the heat she couldn't escape. She trembled with that need. But she couldn't and wouldn't do that. Not when he would hate himself. Not when he would hate her. Gritting her teeth, she pulled her head away, breaking his grip on her and fuck, the feel of his fingers sliding on her skin came so close to bringing her to knees. Ducking, she shot out from under his arm and raced for the door. 


She had surprise on her side. Almost there. Faster. Almost there. How big was his bedroom anyway?

The doorknob was in her hands, cold and black. Twisting, it turned, and pulling, it opened before his hand slammed into it, his other hand searing her shoulder and spinning her around. There he was, mouth open against her skin, the heat of his breath a burn she never wanted to end. His hands held her wrists over her head, his grip tight enough to hurt and the flames exploded into an inferno. An inferno that would consume her when he came to his senses and pushed her away. His body pressed into hers, hips touching and his mouth caught her broken cries.

Her hands balled into fists as his grip tightened and he leaned into her and her knees went weak. His mouth devoured her, pressing into the softness of her lips and her moan was swallowed by him. Her hips rolled as he ground against her, the feel of his erection more than she could stand.

When was it going to happen?

Shifting her wrists into one hand, his free one shoved the robe from her chest. He ran his fingertips over her exposed breast, every touch, every stroke of bared flesh sending shock waves of pleasure to her core. She moaned against his burning mouth at the inferno grew higher and higher. She was going to splinter, going to fracture as he squeezed her softness. His name was a torn thing that fell from her lips as he pushed himself harder against her. His teeth bit at her lips and she arched, adding more pressure and she was so close.

When was he going to leave her?

He shifted again, this time, her arms were trapped behind her, his lips never leaving hers, as he walked her backwards away from the door. Her legs hit something solid and she stopped, but that wasn't what he wanted. He let her go and she met the burning blue of his eyes. His hand pressed in the center of her chest and she fell onto his bed. Then he was over her, pulling her further up by her arms. He said something that wasn't in her knowledge bank and green surrounded her wrists, pinning them to the bed.

Bound by DevotionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin