Part 3

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You let the silence linger. Shafts of light beam orange through the windows from the street lamps outside; your face is half illuminated, half in shadow. It is the first time I have ever seen your face other than a low res photograph. It's not how I wanted to our first face to face meeting to go; with you standing over me as I sit tied to a chair. You were supposed to be lying face down in a pool of your own blood. We haven't relinquished our eye contact. Small drips of rain are projected onto your face as the rain beats against the windows. They seem to run into the contours of your face, I can't read your expression. I'm finding it harder and harder to maintain eye contact. Your eyes are piercing into me; it's almost painful to hold your gaze. You terrify me. Your complete control over everything you do. I have studied you for months. The stories I have heard, the evidence I have pieced together. You run like clockwork. Everything is so precise, so clean, and almost robotic. And you operate in such a passionless and cold manner. Like now, you look down at me like I mean nothing to you, like I am some valueless object. That is what scares me the most. All this, it's outside of your M.O. Any threat posed to you ends up dead and disappeared in a heartbeat. Why are you doing this? Why all the theatrics? And why, why won't you stop staring at me? This is all a game but how does someone like you get your kicks?

I break. I look down at my feet. I couldn't hold it any longer. But no, I can't look weak I can't let you know I'm scared.

You're gone. Shit.

You're hands are on my shoulders. I let out a quiet whimper but in this stone walled empty room it reverberates loudly, betraying my fear. I try to slow my breathing.

You remove your hands slowly. I can't turn my head; I try to listen for any indication of what you might do next.

You leave me in agonising silence. I am aware of every inch of my body. Every cell of me is waiting for pain. In the silence and in the darkness you stand about to strike, to hurt me... to kill me.

A sudden piecing pain in my neck makes me scream in shock. No! Fuck you!

I have to control myself. Breathe. What is it? You're injecting me with something. The sharp pain lingers as some substance is injected into my veins. I feel the needle slip out.

This isn't it, I have to keep reminding myself. He wouldn't have gone through all this just to poison you. This...this is just the start.

I take deep, slow breaths. I listen. Agonising silence again. Please, whatever it is you are going to do to me just get on with it! No... calm down. Keep alert.

A strange constant squeaking noise behind me. It comes closer and closer. A large black rectangle on a dolly comes into my view. You push it so that it stands in front of me. A TV? You're going to show me a movie while this substance in my body takes effect? That's exactly what you're going to do. You turn it on and the black screens glows brilliant white. I have to turn my head away so that my eyes can adjust to the brightness.

As I turn my face back to the screen I notice a strobe in my vision. My breath has grown shallow and my shoulders have gone limp. Your injection is beginning to work on me. It's a muscle relaxant of some kind.

You work with the remote until you have selected what you want to show me, a video file. You hit play.

Oh God, it's her. My partner stares out of the TV at me. I hope for a brief second that this is live and that she's alive somewhere. I know it's not. What has he done to you?!

She is dressed just as she was the night she disappeared, in her trademark silver cat suit. She didn't wear it for effect as I did, she was a sniper she didn't get up close and personal as I did, she just liked the feel of it. She liked the tightness of it. Hers had a belt fastening around the neck, whilst mine just zipped up. She was the reason I took to wearing one, she bought me my first cat suit. I enjoyed the looks it got from men, just as I thrust a blade into their skull. She liked how it looked on me too. A client once remarked that we looked like a couple of porn stars from a BDSM film. If only he knew the things we would get up to. I knew she liked me but I wasn't into girls. We got home from a job once and it had gone so well, we were so happy and still full of adrenaline, dressed in our black and silver 'BDSM' cat suits. She playfully pushed me onto her chair and straddled me. I tried to push her off me but she grabbed my arms with her gloved hands and held them behind my back. Her face came close to mine... and I gave in to her. She kissed me on the lips. It felt wrong to me, that I shouldn't be doing it but her kiss drained all of my will from me. When she released my arms they fell limply to my sides. I could do nothing but stare up at her, my lips parted breathing heavily. She smiled down at me and took my hand. She pointed my gloved index finger towards her mouth and she sucked on it slowly never taking her eyes from mine. My chest rose suddenly with a sharp intake of breath. She smiled down at my confidently, knowing she could have me. She kissed me again, her tongue penetrating my mouth. Her hands were on my shoulders; they ran down my chest and started to slowly caress my breasts. I let out a moan. In return her kisses became more intense. My head started to get fuzzy; I squeezed my thighs together as I became wet. She unzips my suit down to my navel then pulls it off my shoulders and down to my elbows so that my arms are trapped. She takes her time. She undoes the strap around her neck then pulls the zip down. She pulls both sides of her suit apart slowly until her breasts are exposed. Both her hands are on the back of my head and she draws me towards her. I suck on her nipples. She runs her finger through my hair, her other hand is firmly on my back. Now she is breathing heavily. With every surge of pleasure that shoots through her she pulls on my hair.

A loud bang on the screen snaps me out of my memories and I'm back in the cold dark room, with you. I can't tell what the sound was but her face still stares out at me. She's scared. Whatever it was that happened to her, it's about to happen now.

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