The bar was completely trashed inside, they shined their flashlights around so they could see the destruction. 

Dakota bites her lip, Dean jerks his head to the side to signal Sam. Dakota keeps her hand against Dean's back, her switchblade brushes against his jacket as they walk. Dakota shines her flashlight around, keeping her hand on Dean so he knows that she's not far. 

"Where is everybody?" Dakota whispers.

"There's nobody here." Dean answers, speaking louder than Dakota. 

 A voice shouts out in anger, placing their hand against Dakota's forehead. She flies backward, crashing into a table and groaning. 

"What the hell?" She asks as she pushes herself up. "How the hell does something like that happen?" 

"Not the time!" Dean grunts out as he fights against the woman that shoved Dakota. 

Sam goes to help Dakota up when two people drop down behind him, he quickly fires two shots at them. They recover and attack him. 

Dakota scrambles to her feet as she spots one of them try to come up behind Dean. She immediately jumps at them, grabbing the demon's wrist to keep their blade away from her. 

She climbs up the demon, keeping her grip around his wrist, as she throws her legs up around the demon's neck. She twists her whole body, throwing both of them on the ground as she gets the blade from the demon's grip. 

She receives an elbow to the face, but she ignores the pain as she slams the angel blade into the demon's chest--killing it. 

She looks over to see a demon with its arm around Dean's throat, holding the Winchester's blade away from them. Sam kills his demon, but the one that started the fight kicks him into the wall. 

She watches Dean stare at Sam helplessly, Dakota jumps to her feet. She runs toward Sam, slamming her body into the back of the demon. The demon recovers and slashes at Dakota, nicking her cheek. 

The Winchester hisses in pain, kicking the demon's chest. Sam slides the blade of a fallen demon, but he wasn't fast enough. 

"Dakota!" Dean strains, trying to warn her as the female recovers and tackles Dakota. She pins the Winchester to the ground, raising the blade up. "No!" 

Sam attempts to move forward, ignoring the pain that flares up. Dakota yelps as she pushes against the demon, trying to keep it away from her face. 

Before Sam could get any further, the demon begins screaming and her veins glow as she dies. Dakota kicks against the ground, scooting far away from the demon and whoever killed it. Her back hits a table, her wide green eyes meet Sam's hazel ones. 

Dean elbows the demon off of him, taking the blade and killing it quickly. Relief floods his expression when he notices Dakota's safe, he rushes over and crouches next to her. 

They notice Ketch standing there with the now bloodied angel blade. Dean picks Dakota up and places her on her feet, cradling her face and checking her for any injury. She nods her head as he places his thumb against the cut on her lip. 

She winces and pulls away from him, assuring him that she's okay. 

"H-how did you get out of the armory?" Sam questions Ketch, glancing at Dakota with a concerned look. She nods at Sam, giving him a soft smile. "Y-y-you...chains...." Sam couldn't comprehend Ketch's escape. 

"Lock pick." Ketch shrugs like it was obvious. Dakota glares at her uncle as Sam's face turns into shock. "If you'd done the prescribed cavity search, as you should've, you'd have found it." 

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