Chapter 50-Infiltrating Tian Ling Sect

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"I'll bet it all on Jiang Huo Sect," she said. The gentleman's eyes widen at the bag of gold and nodded excitedly.
"Of course! What name should I put this bet under?" he asked. Kairi thought for a moment before she answered, "Put it under my husband's name, Zhang Sheng of Liu Sect. He'll be quite happy with the sum when he comes to collect his winnings."

The gentleman looked confused as he eyed her up and down.

"Husband...? But you're..."

She didn't bother to explain to him and walked away.

When Kairi returned, she noticed something was off between Xiao Huo and Zi Yi. One's face was flushed while the other looked quite guilty. Zi Yi was quickly fixing her dress and Kairi almost gagged. She did not know what transpired in the room while she was gone.

"Master, you're already back?" Xiao Huo breathed as he tried to act natural.

"Oh? Did you perhaps wanted me to stay out longer?" she asked. Xiao Huo didn't say anything and tried to avoid her eyes.

"My little chicken is really no longer a little chicken," she sighed heavily and took a seat farthest away from the bedroom. "Maiden Zi Yi, is there any way I can speak with your mother?"

"My mother...?" Zi Yi asked confused. When she saw the serious look on Kairi's face, she nodded and left the room.

"Master? What are you planning?" Xiao Huo asked. He didn't sit as he still felt guilty.

"Why aren't you sitting, Xiao Huo?" she asked.

"I..." Xiao Huo trailed off as his eyes drifted to the bedroom and then back at her. Her face cringed at the sight of the ruffled up bed and took a deep breath to calm herself down.
"It's alright, Xiao Huo. I understand you're an adult now," she said. It was as if she was a mother trying to talk to her son about awkward topic of sex. Not wanting to go there, she quickly changed the topics. "We have other pressing matters to deal with."

Moments later, Zi Yi entered the room with a woman who didn't seem any older than Zi Yi. She could almost be mistaken as Zi Yi's older sister.

"I'm Hua Zi Ruo. I heard what you've done for my daughter. I, graciously thank you, for your actions. Not many would do that in this kind of business," Zi Ruo said.

"Please, it's not necessary. I also have a favor of you that only you could possible help with," Kairi said. She motioned for her to sit and Zi Ruo gracefully took a seat in front of her.

"Zi Yi told me you were once a disciple of Tian Ling Sect," Kairi started. Zi Ruo shot Zi Yi a sharp look but she didn't say anything to her.

"And what would this young master like to know?" she asked.

"I want to infiltrate it and you who was once a disciple there would know the in's and out's of the sect," Kairi said without beating around the bush.

Zi Ruo looked quite stunned. Kairi would be too. Who would ever dare to try and infiltrate a well known sect?

"You do understand that if you are caught, you would be chased to the end of the world by this sect," she warned.

"If you help me, there's no way we would get caught," Kairi said confidently.

The sky was pitch black as the moonlight was completely hidden behind large puffs of clouds. The sect was larger than Kairi had imagined. It was quite beautiful even. She would've stopped to admire the landscape but it was heavily guarded. Following the route that Zi Ruo had mapped out for her, she easily made her way into the water prison meant to hold captive the strongest of prisoners. She hid among the shadows and entered the large maze like prison. Any use of spiritual energy would set off the alarm so Kairi had no choice but to tamp down on her energy and slowly made her way through the maze using a map. She should've asked Mei Er to help her practice reading auras. She used to be able to read auras whether they were forced out of the body or not. In the past it had been so easy but now it was extremely difficult. She could barely make out the faint auras around the corner as she hid every now and then.

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