Chapter 41 - Mercenary Core

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Kairi was glad to have received a shapeshifting pill from Bai Shen. The duo had hidden in a cave while Xiao Huo cultivated the pill and only came out after a week had gone by. They arrived at a city on the border of the Eden kingdom and already heard stories of a young girl who has a phoenix for a demon beast. She slapped her face and shook her head when she heard the rumors. Shooting a glare at Xiao Huo, she hissed, "Whatever you do, don't draw attention to yourself!"

Xiao Huo who now looks like a naïve teenager nodded obediently and bounced happily behind her.

The two of the rested inside a small inn and without meaning to, garnered the attention of two men. They were two wanted men in the city who has been sneaking into women's room at night to rape them and steal from rich travelers. They were quite taken with Kairi and planned to attack her that night.

"She's quite pretty. I can't wait to get my hands on that silky smooth skin," the bigger man whispered loudly. The two intruders entered the room without making any noise despite having already drugged the clueless pretty woman. They snuck up to the bulge on the bed snickered like naughty children who were caught in the act of doing something bad.

"What have we here?" came a smooth female voice from behind them. The two intruders were scared out of their skin. How could they not notice someone behind them? They were level eight practitioners!

"Who goes there?" the larger intruder called out.

"Tsk. Tsk. I should be the one asking. Sneaking into my room in the middle of the night like this can only mean one of two things. You're either planning to steal or hurt a woman," came the voice. The light came on and the intruders found the beautiful woman standing by the doorway with her arms crossed together in front of her chest.

"Now that you've caught us. We can't have you live," the intruders threatened.

"Oh? I've come across many dangerous situations but this is just ridiculous," the woman said. She almost looked bored. Feeling peeved at her laid back attitude, the thinner one charged forward. He didn't make it two steps before he was flung backwards. He slammed right into his comrade knocking both of them out at the same time.

"Are you alright, Master?" Xiao Huo asked. He eyed the two unconscious men on the ground and frowned. "Aren't they the two wanted men on the posters we saw when we came in?"

Kairi grinned at Xiao Huo.

"Looks like we found our bag of money at last."

The next day, Kairi and Xiao Huo turned in the two intruders and received a hefty sum of gold. It seemed the two men had been leaving strings of raped women and looted gold. No one has been able to catch them because they were so fast on their feet. Who would've thought that they'd deliver themselves right to Kairi's doorstep?

"Now that we have our bag of gold, why don't we go check out the mercenary list?" Kairi suggested. They didn't make it far because the constable stopped them.
"Excuse me, young miss. Are you a mercenary?" he asked. The constable eyed Kairi up and down. Neither Kairi nor Xiao Huo looked like mercenaries.

"Not really. We're just trying to make some money," Kairi replied.

"Is that so? Well, seeing as you two were able to catch those two misfits so easily, I'd thought I give you a piece of advice. Making quick money by accepting mercenary jobs is fine and all but you must attain a license first, especially in this town."

"Why is that?" Kairi asked feeling confused.
"Well, you see. For some reason there's been in influx of mercenary jobs and hard to decide who gets what job, so the mayor created the mercenary license system. Depending on your level, you get to take on certain tasks. The harder the level, the better the pay."

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