Chapter 47-Can't Compare

Start from the beginning

"Ah... when I met the Goddess, she told me that both Xiao You and I are descendants of the Goddess," Kairi said.
"Descendants? But you and Xiao You mei mei aren't related by blood," Feng Jiang interjected.

She bit her lower lip as she contemplated on whether she should speak up now or not. Taking in a deep breath she finally spoke up.

"We're not necessarily descendant by blood but more like souls," she said.

"But no two souls are alike," Zhang Sheng said frowning.

"You're right. No two souls are ever alike but the reason why my soul was able to enter Xiao You's because I'm from another world," she said. Everyone looked quite shocked except for Mei Er.

"I just assumed you were a wandering soul but someone from a different world?" Zhang Sheng asked. Kairi nodded.

"Where I'm from, there is no such thing as cultivation," she explained.

"But how are you able to cultivate then?" Feng Jiang asked feeling confused.
"It's because she is a descendant of the Goddess that she is able to," Mei Er answered. She smiled as she explained even further. "It may be true that you both are descendants of the Goddess but Kairi, only your aura is truly that of the Goddess. I believe that is the reason why you were able to travel through worlds. Xiao You may be a descendant but you are truly  ."

"So what's going to happen to me now?" Kairi asked.

"Didn't you say that a war would break out eventually between humans and demons?" Zhang Sheng asked.

"I did but I thought Wan Yi had enforced the barrier between the two realms?"

"He did but there is still the Evil Cult Sect that follows the way of the demons," Zhang Sheng reminded her.

"We don't know when this war would happen but it's best to train for the worst scenario," Wei Xing said.

Over the next few days as Kairi recovered, each time Kairi went anywhere, Zhang Sheng stuck close to her like glue. Feng Jiang would whine and complain about not getting to spend time with her. Xiao Huo would jump in to fight off Feng Jiang, then Wei Xing would show up unexpected to pull her away from the trio of mischief.

By the fifth day, she had completely healed and no longer needed assistance to walk. Wei Xing immediately threw her into training.

"You lack the control of you spiritual energy. I was told that you spent most of your energy dispelling a high level barrier. You need more training!" Wei Xing ordered. Kairi shot Zhang Sheng a piercing look. He simply shrugged his shoulders and continued his meditation.

Her training consisted of destroying incoming boulders using only a certain amount of spiritual energy. She needed to split up a precious amount of spiritual energy to destroy the boulders. Too little energy, meant the boulders wouldn't be destroyed. Too much energy and she wouldn't have enough to destroy all of it. Xiao Huo, who had it worse, was forced to practice sword skills seriously. Once he was done practicing the sword in the morning, he would also go through the same training as Kairi. Then in the evening, he would have to practice controlling his own fire power. He almost burnt a part of the training pad in the process and was punished heavily by dragging heavy boulders around the sect for hours. She finally understood why Xiao Huo was so scared of Wei Xing.

Xiao You finally arrived at the sect a few days later while Feng Jiang had no choice but to return to Lan Manor.

It was extremely strange to have Xiao You stand in front of her as she once used to be her.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Kairi. I would like to thank you. If it wasn't for you, I would have died a long time ago," Xiao You said and bowed deeply. Kairi suddenly felt embarrassed and quickly went to raise her up.
"Please, don't thank me. I don't deserve it. I almost killed us both by screwing up the future," she cried. Xiao You smiled kindly.

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