Chapter 30 - A Date in Yang City

Start from the beginning

"That..." Kairi couldn't find words to defend that.

"Was I wrong to have taken you away?" he asked suddenly. Of course not, she thought right away. When she was first taken away, she kept the jade hairpin close and talked every night hoping he would reply. She wore it every single day and even held it in her sleep, she thought angrily. She prayed that he would come rescue her. She even feared that she would never see him again. How could he even think that?

His eyes widen as if he was surprised. He whipped his head around to look at her. A smile slowly crept up on his face.

"What?" Kairi asked feeling like she had been caught red handed even though she didn't know what for.

"Were you that scared that you would never see me again?" he asked. Kairi's face burned. Did he just read her mind? She had completely forgotten that he replaced his trace on her. The communication between the both of them had been restored and if he wanted to, he could easily tell what she thought because she had the jade hairpin on her.

"I feel like my privacy had been majorly violated," she snapped and looked away.

"Aw, my troublesome girl is as adorable as ever," he teased.

"Know what? I think I want to return to the village and stay there forever after all," she hissed.

"It's okay. I'll just kidnap you and bring you back," he simply said. Kairi knew he had the ability to do so and clicked her tongue before pulling out her egg. She completely ignored him and concentrated on feeding her egg. It was too dangerous to feed her egg with Zhao Chen around so she could only do it when he wasn't home. Now that she was with Zhang Sheng, she freely pulled it out. She could sense that the egg was getting close to hatching. It was only a matter of time now.

After a few days of feeding her egg, it went still and slowly gave off a light glow.

"What's going on?" Kairi asked.

"It's going to hatch soon. Give or take a day or two," Zhang Sheng simply replied. He had been reading a book the entire time and didn't even look up.

She was finally going to see what her demon beast looked like. She had called her egg 'little ball' this entire time and wondered if she should pick a better name for it. She didn't even know if it was going to be a boy or girl. Smiling like a proud parent, she patted the egg and placed it gently into her pouch. When she looked up, she noticed that Zhang Sheng had already placed his book down. He didn't say anything and grabbed her hand.

"What are you doing?" she cried but calmed down when she felt warm spiritual energy travel through her arm. He was replacing the spiritual energy she had lost. It was at this point, Kairi realized just how strong Zhang Sheng really was. The spiritual energy he had given her was extremely dense and powerful. She had thought that her master was strong but she was completely wrong. How did Zhang Sheng managed to become this strong in such a little amount of time?

It didn't take more than an hour before her spiritual energy was completely full again. Zhang Sheng finally released her hand and returned to his book.

"Is that book really that interesting?" Kairi thought to herself.

"Of course not. I'm simply using it to hide the fact that I've been watching you this entire time," he replied suddenly. Kairi's jaw dropped. She hadn't been expecting that kind of answer.

She cleared her throat as she looked everywhere but at him. Maybe it had been too long since she last saw him but the way he looked at her was completely different than before. He wasn't looking at her like a child but rather like an adult. She mustered up whatever courage she had and was going to ask what the two of them were to each other. Shishu and shizhi? Friends? Or perhaps more than that?

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