Chapter 7 - Learning How to Fly

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing?" Kairi cried as she clung onto him for dear life. The both of them shot out of the room and through the balcony. They flew off into the sky with Kairi screaming her head off.
"You jerk! You did that on purpose! That's it! Take me back! I rather copy the Disciplinary Rules for a month!" she cried. Zhang Sheng laughed at her outburst and finally slowed down.

"Alright, alright. I'll stop teasing you, now focus on the sword underneath us," he said as his laughter quickly died down. Kairi was still angry but she tried to listen to him. "When your sword was forged, it should have been awakened by your soul. Naturally, it should have also become a part of you. Use your soul to feel the sword and try to call it out."

So the jerk wasn't all talk, Kairi thought. Having forgotten how scared she was, she focused her energy and tried to call out to her sword. Within seconds, a trail of white light shot out from behind them and circled around the both of them until it slowed down to reveal Kairi's sword. It flew alongside them and Zhang Sheng couldn't help but compliment it.
"That is a very nice sword you have. What is its name?" he asked her. Kairi couldn't help but feel proud of her sword. Before her sword could be forged, Wei Xing had come upon some rare metal material up in the mountain and asked to use it to make her sword. It was extremely lightweight and couldn't be stained nor dulled no matter how many times she used.

"Breaking Cloud," she answered.

"Very befitting." Zhang Sheng slowly loosened his grip on her so that she could jump onto her sword. "Now once you're on your sword, try to exert your energy into it. Feel it and let it become a part of you. You should be able to move freely on it like an extra limb."

With that said, he kept a firm grip on her hand as Kairi jumped onto her sword. If it wasn't for him holding onto her, she would've tumbled off of it and fallen to her death.

"Relax. Don't think and just feel," he said in a soothing tone. Kairi took a few deep breaths and concentrated on letting out a consistent energy. She hasn't stabilized her energy yet so there was a bit of friction when she used her energy to fly the sword. She stopped wavering and the flight was smooth but she found herself using quite a bit of energy.

After an hour of flying with help, Zhang Sheng finally released his hold on her. Kairi was flying by herself.
"I did it! I really did it!" Kairi cried. She laughed as she flew circles around Zhang Sheng.

"You're very talented. Normally it would take someone months to learn how to fly but you learned in an hour," he said. Kairi flew alongside him and didn't know how to reply to that. She couldn't very well tell him that her host's body was the reason why she was so talented but she herself didn't realize that it was because her soul was special.
"Of course. Who do you think is my master?" Kairi asked.
"Are you talking about me? Why am I so handsome and talented? It really is a sin." With that said, Zhang Sheng grabbed his chin lightly with his thumb and forefinger. He sighed as if he was in deep turmoil. Kairi cringed at his narcissistic behavior and shook her head.
"I was talking about MY master and when did I ever accept you as my master?" she asked and rolled her eyes.

"Did I not just teach you how to fly on a sword?" he asked.

"That was bribery."

"Sigh, I'm saddened that you would think this is a bribery. I was trying to show my upmost sincerity by teaching you," Zhang Sheng said. To add emphasis to his words, he placed a hand over his heart. Kairi's brows furrowed as she stared at him for a long time. She was wrong. He wasn't a narcissist but rather an overdramatic drama queen.

"Right..." she said sounding very unconvinced. Just then she was suddenly pulled off of her sword and back into Zhang Sheng's arms.

"What are you doing?" she cried.

"You may have learned to how to fly on a sword but you're still too slow. With you in my arms we can reach the next town faster," he simply said. He reached out with one hand and grabbed Kairi's sword easily. He handed her back her sword and the both of them flew off even faster than before. They reached the neighboring town within three hours. It was three times faster than riding a horse. Kairi was secretly glad that she had been riding in Zhang Sheng's arms. If she had ridden the sword herself and flown at the same speed as Zhang Sheng, she didn't think she would have made it half way. There was no way she was going to ask Zhang Sheng to slow down or even ride with him. Her pride wouldn't allow it nor would she give him the satisfaction of winning over her.

Zhang Sheng lowered their altitude and got off of the sword just outside of town. Kairi was set back down on her feet with ease and she was glad to finally feel land. She was getting comfortable in Zhang Sheng's arms and it started to irritate her. Kairi noticed that Zhang Sheng hadn't broken a single sweat having flown this far and this fast. Just how strong was this man?

"Alright, let's go!" Zhang Sheng chirped. The town was heavily decorated with lanterns and an aura of festivities filled the air.

"What's going on?" Kairi asked as she stared at the colorful street. She had already forgotten her annoyance with Zhang Sheng. She saw a pretty lotus flower lantern and moved closer only to get pulled back by Zhang Sheng.

"Are you forgetting about me already?" he asked frowning. Kairi didn't say anything and tore her eyes away from the lantern.

"Let's go get my things first and then we'll go play." He had spoken to her as if she was a child and it irked her. She was a twenty year old woman, for goodness sake! He wrapped a hand around hers so that she doesn't get lost in the sea of crowd but the crowd grew and it became harder for Kairi to keep up. She cursed her small body as she struggled to keep a hold on Zhang Sheng's hand and then a bigger man carrying large parcels knocked into Kairi. She was quickly pulled away from Zhang Sheng and was carried away by the wave of crowd.

"Darn it. I lost that womanizer," Kairi thought when she finally escaped the crowd. She stood on a bridge alone and hungry. She didn't have any money on her and she was getting grumpy. Without thinking, she pulled out the jade hairpin from her pouch and glared angrily at it.

"I lost your stupid owner. I can't believe I agreed to come here with him. It's all your stupid owner's fault!" she snapped. A couple walked passed by and gave her an odd look. Kairi blushed and turned her back on them. She continued glaring at the hairpin. Now she was being stared at for being weird because she was reprimanding a hairpin.

"Sigh..." Kairi placed her elbows on the bridge ledge and rested her chin on her open palms. The sun was starting to set and the crowd was growing still. She had learned that if one should get lost, it was best to stay in one spot until one was found but she had been at the bridge for almost an entire hour.

"Are you lost, little girl?" a man asked from behind her. Kairi's eyes widen in horror. A pervert? She whipped around and saw Zhang Sheng leaning down so that he was at eye level with her.

"Where have you been?" Kairi snapped.
"Looking for you, of course," he replied as a matter of fact. He finally straightened up and it forced Kairi to look up at him. She was relieved to see his handsome face but she wasn't about to let him know how she felt. Wrapping her arms tightly together in front of her chest, she muttered, "Since you found me, let's hurry and get your business done and over with."

"Sure, let's," he said. Kairi lowered her arms and just in time too. Zhang Sheng had swept her off her feet, literally. He held her up so that she was sitting upward in his arms like a child.

"What are you doing?" she cried as she struggled to get out of his grasp.

"Carrying you," he said while laughing.

"I can walk," she snapped.

"So you can get lost again?" Kairi contemplated and finally snapped her mouth shut. He stifled a laugh so as to not anger her and moved in toward the bustling crowd. 

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