⚠️ King Dice X The Devil ⚠️

Start from the beginning

He looked surprised, he even blushed. He cleared his throat, "Alright then. Uh, there aren't any new debtors, to answer your question."

"Slow day, huh?" I said, taking a seat beside him.

"Yep. Although there was this one guy who tried to pick a fight with me."

"Really? Who?"

"Ah, some drunk moron. He swung a hit at me so I whacked him with my triton. Knocked him right out," The Devil boasted, grinning.

I smiled back, "Ha! That outta teach him to mess with the Devil."

I don't know how, but soon the two of us were swapping stories of what happened to us at work. The Devil offered me a drink and I gladly took a few. The conversation switched from work stories to employee gossip, mostly from my end. The Devil listened eagerly, leaning in closer to me. I blushed a little.

"And that was the last time I ever went on a date with Wheezy," I finished.

"I can't believe you actually dated that guy," The Devil remarked.

"Me neither," I admitted, taking another sip of my whiskey.

The Devil downed the rest of the bottle. When he came up for air, he added, "I mean you can do better than Wheezy. Hell, you deserve better than him."

I blushed a little more. The Devil stopped short, realizing what he just said. Does he...? No, no he couldn't. Could he?

"Um, what do you mean, sir?" I asked.

"Well, y'know, it's...it's just....uh..." he was at a loss for words, averting his yellow eyes from my green ones.

...he does...

I gently took his hand. I waited for him to pull away but he didn't. I tried to hide my smile, "Devil... is there something you want to tell me?"

He blushed so much you could see the red through his fur. "I...Dice, I..."

"I think I know, sir," I said.

He just smiled. The two of us gazed into each other's eyes, an unspoken phrase between us.

"Can I-can I try something?" The Devil asked, almost timidly. Before I could reply, he leaned close to me and kissed my lips.

He pulled away just as quickly, "Sorry, I just wanted to try that..."

I grabbed his face and smashed mine into his. It turned into a sloppy kiss, both of us fighting for dominance. He won. He pulled me into his lap and nibbled on my neck. I could see where this was going, so I started unbuttoning my shirt and vest. Once my chest was bare, he caressed it with kisses.

"Ah, sir..." I squeaked.

"Just call me Dev," he said.

I smiled, "Okay, Dev."

He rubbed my legs temptingly, licking his lips with anticipation. I unzipped my pants and let him explore the rest of my body. I shivered with delight at every touch.

We repositioned ourselves and I let him have his way with me. I sunk my nails into the chair when I felt his member in me.

I gasped for air, "Dev-!"

He only moaned in response. We waited a few minutes to adjust. Finally he began to thrust. With each swift movement, I let out a groan of pleasure. "Ah, fuck!" I moaned. The Devil bit down on my shoulder, trying hard not to make a sound. It'd be pretty unprofessional if he was caught in the act. As for me, I couldn't give two shits. It felt fucking good.

I bit my tongue as he went faster, drool and blood trickling down my chin and something else dripping down my leg. I kept moaning, crying out dirty things to turn him on.

Without warning, he climaxed. He quickly pulled out but I still felt warm inside. We collapsed onto the chair, panting heavily.

"Oh, Dev..." I breathed.

He kissed the back of my neck, "Mm..."

We sat there for awhile, catching our breath and easing the sores. Finally, he pulled me back into his lap and cradled me in his arms.

"Well fuck," he said. "That escalated quickly."

I nuzzled my face into his fur, chuckling to myself, "To think all this happened because I wanted to fix my reputation. I certainly did something, huh?"

The Devil looked confused, "What'd you mean, Dice?"

"I was afraid you were gonna fire me."

"Who told you that?"

"Wheezy said--" I stopped short. Wait...

I suddenly leapt from Dev's arms, and yelled to the world, "That fucking scumbag!!!"

I went to grab my pants but I fell flat on my face. Damn was I sore...

"What just happened?" The Devil said, even more confused.

"Wheezy tricked me!" I spat as I found the strength to put on my pants. "He and the others wanted to get off early so they asked me to distract you!"

"What!?" My boss snapped, anger in his eyes.

"I told them no, but then they tricked me into thinking you were gonna fire me! I came here to try to fix that!" I struggled with my belt before my knees gave out again and I fell, this time into the Devil's arms.

"Those good-for-nothing lackeys!" He said in a rage. "Come on, get your shirt on! We're gonna make them pay for making a fool outta my Dice!"

'My Dice'... I like the ring to it. I blushed and did what I was told. I still couldn't stand straight, and I kept falling.

Dev picked me up bridal style and sat me back down on the chair. He poured me another whiskey and kissed my forehead.

"I'll be back, you wait here," he said.

I grinned, "Go get 'em, Dev."

He smirked back. He grabbed his triton and ran out the door. I must've fallen asleep on that chair cause I woke up to the sound of my fellow employees screaming for dear life.

"Ah... I love my Dev."

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