"You're not meant to cry. He's going to win." Antti gave her a gentle squeeze. "Get yourself ready to run to Parc Fermè, I'll bring your stuff."

"I can't help it, these are happy tears, believe me! Are you sure you don't mind?" She wiped under eyes.

"Not at all."

"Oh my fucking god!" She squeaked. "I just can't believe it's actually happening!" She watched as members of both Seb's and Charles' teams ran across the pit lane and clambered up onto the wall while both cars were completing the last few turns. No one had expected a win here; a podium, yes, but not a win and definitely not a one-two finish, not only that, but Ferrari were about to become the first team to achieve that in Singapore. The garage erupted into near hysterical screams and cheers, almost lifting the roof, as Seb crossed the line two hours after the race had started. He'd done it! He'd won the Singapore Grand Prix!

"Go!" Antti urged her to make a run for it and she didn't need telling again as she bolted from the garage. "And stop crying!" He yelled after her, laughing. She might not have been a nervous wreck today but she was definitely an emotional one. She flew along the pit lane as fast as her feet could go, blinded by happy tears. She'd never felt such an explosion of emotions and a massive sense of relief, it was a euphoric release and it mixed with a rush of intense love, happiness and complete and utter pride. It was as if all the calmness she'd been feeling was just a dam, holding everything in and now that Seb had won the dam had burst and everything was flooding out. No one deserved this win today more than Seb, he'd driven a faultless race and no one could take it away from him. Reaching Parc Fermè there was already a large gathering of scarlet red uniforms and a huge mass of media and photographers, Seb's name and image was already being displayed on the large screen, the numbered signs were awaiting the drivers arrival and the sky was full of colour as fireworks erupted all around. She soon found herself ushered to the front, her relationship with Seb was common knowledge within the team and everyone there knew that he would want to see her waiting for him when he arrived, which he did less than a minute later. It was then that Chloe realised that she was shaking and still crying with happiness, but she didn't care and she knew that he wouldn't either. She watched as Lina rolled into her first place position underneath the podium and nudged the number one sign as she came to a stop. The engine cut out and seconds later Seb climbed shakily out of the cockpit to stand on the car and hold his steering wheel aloft while holding up a gloved finger, giving his famous number one gesture. Camera flashes erupted like lightning from all around them, reflecting and glittering off of his helmet and Chloe was nearly deafened by the roar of mainly male voices around her and of the crowds in the grandstands. After a moment he jumped down to the ground and ran over towards where she was stood; surrounded by his team, he was immediately engulfed in hugs and hands seemed to come out from everywhere, patting him on top of his helmet and on his back and all she could hear was words of congratulations and praise in English and Italian. She could feel her body being pressed into the barrier as everyone surged forward, reaching out their hands and calling out to him but as he moved to stand in front of her the discomfort she was feeling quickly vanished. Putting his gloved hands on her cheeks he leant in until her forehead was pressed against his open visor and his beautiful blue eyes were looking into hers, twinkling with the elation he was feeling.

"You're my champion, you were awesome out there! I'm so bloody proud of you!" With the noise of the crowds, the fire works, the last few cars coming in and with his mouth covered by his helmet she didn't know if he'd heard her and had no idea if he'd replied to her or not. "I love you!" She yelled, wanting him to hear that part and not caring that a tv camera was inches away. She could tell by how his eyes crinkled at the corners that he was beaming underneath his helmet and she watched in surprise as he stepped back and motioned for her to come over the barrier. Before she knew what was happening she could feel a pair of strong arms lifting her up, she squealed in surprise but lifted her legs enough to clear the top of the barrier and found herself being steadied by Seb as she landed his side of it. Suddenly she felt like she had stage fright as every lens was pointed in their direction and she froze for a second until she felt him take her hand. What on earth was he doing? He led her back to his car and she stood, feeling rather self conscious and fully aware of the worlds media being focused on them, while he removed his gloves, helmet, HANS device and balaclava. His hair was damp and his face was wet with sweat but he was grinning broadly and she could tell by the glint in his eyes that he was up to something. Seb looked back at her, although she was smiling proudly at him, she had a look on her face that said 'what the fuck are you up to?' Shoving his gloves and balaclava inside his helmet, he placed it down on his car. He ruffled his hair as he glanced around and saw Antti who gave him a thumbs up and a knowing grin because his trainer knew that he was about surprise his fiancée, his fans, the world and everyone that knew him.

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