28 ~ I Love You. Don't Ever Forget That

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Clementine slowly opened her eyes to see blurry figures surrounding her and Violet: Louis, Aasim and Willy. Vi hadn't noticed; she was still fast asleep. "Rise and shine, Clem," Louis joked as he smiled at the brunette and waved.

"Hey, guys," the brunette groggily greeted. Violet now began to awake, startled from the excess amount of people she was waking up to.

"Oh, um, hey," she spoke, her voice a little raspy.

"I see you two must've slept well together," Louis teased. As usual, Violet rolled her eyes and slowly got out of bed.

"How are you feeling, Clem?" Willy questioned.

"A little sore, but nothing I can't handle."

"You scared the shit out of us," Lou added.

"Last person we need to lose is you. Actually, I retract that statement. The last person we need to lose is Violet because without her, who else would I tease and annoy?"

"Yeah you're gonna wish I was dead, Lou," Violet smirked.

"Heh, thanks, guys. I'm just glad you're all okay. Well... most us." Clementine referred to Aasim, who was busy sulking in the corner of the room. She lowered her voice so it wasn't audible to him. "How is he doing?"

"Not too good. He's barely speaking, and I'm worried he won't return back to normal," Willy informed.

"Just give him time. He just lost Ruby. We all did. Omar, too."

Everyone subtly glanced over to the poor, lost man. He was staring at the floor with his head down low. "Anyways," Louis uttered, "Willy, Aasim and I here are going to head back up to the school to check on Rosie later and possibly grab anything we need to."

"Be careful," Clementine remarked.

"Wouldn't do it any other way," Willy confirmed.

Louis propped up his coat and playfully nudged Vi's shoulder. "I told you she would fight her ass off to survive," he teased.

"Whatever," the blonde waved off, inching closer to her girlfriend's bed and grabbing ahold of her hand.

"Huh?" Clementine uttered, puzzled.

"Er, nothing. Forget it. Do you need anything? Water? Food?" Violet asked, wanting to take care of her girl.

"Just you," Clem replied with a sweet smile. Violet blushed and returned the smile.

"Save the cheesy love talk for when we're all out of the room, please," Louis informed. The girls both let out a chuckle.

Out of the corner of Clem's eye, she caught a boy in an orange beanie running down the hall, two older-like adults following behind. "Clem! You're awake!" Gabe blissfully shouted as he crashed through the doors. Violet could feel her typical annoyance and tension for Gabe starting to rise. She suppressed a sigh as she moved closer to Clementine's side, refocusing her attention just on her girl.

"I'm fine, Gabe. Although I wouldn't exactly rate being confined to a small room 5 stars," she joked.

"Well don't worry, Kate said you'll probably be out within a few days."

"He's right," a voice echoed behind Gabe. "You should be on your feet again in three or four days," Kate assured.

"Thanks again, Kate. For it all. I'd be dead if it weren't for you." Violet's face fell and her heart ached thinking about how it almost was. She tightly squeezed her girlfriend's hand, catching the brunette's attention.

When the two were done losing themselves in each other's loving gaze, Violet glanced up to Kate. "Yeah, I can't thank you enough for what you did for Clementine. We're very grateful."

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