9 ~ Reunited

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"You ready to go?" Violet asked Clem as she was approaching the gate.

"I thought I was going on my own?"

"You are, but if he's picking you up at the camp I'm sure as hell walking with you there," Vi informed, smiling sweetly at her girl.

"I'd like that," Clementine replied with the same smile spread across her face. The girls were about to take off before Ruby and Aasim stopped them. They both had ashamed looks on their faces.

"Clem, before you go, we want to apologize for yesterday. We do trust you. It's just with all the shit that happened in the past, it's hard to get past that, you know?" Aasim stated.

"Yeah. We believe you that they're good people. Good luck out there," Ruby added, giving a nod of assurance.

"Thanks, you guys. I have a good feeling that this could be what we deserve."

Ruby and Aasim agreed and walked away, Aasim being a gentleman and taking Ruby's hand. Clementine and her girlfriend turned around and walked out the gate, setting out on their journey.


"Are you excited to see them again?" the blonde questioned as the girls strolled down the path in the woods.

"Damn right. Javi was a great friend of mine. I hope he's still the same cocky baseball star he was when I left him," Clementine chuckled.

"He seems like a cool guy."

"He was. He better still be, or I'll have to knock some sense into him."

The walk to the camp was nearing an end. Walkers had gone astray it seemed for the time being, which was nice for a change. All that was to be seen were the trees rustling and the small wildlife critters that still managed to survive walkers and survivors.

Violet spotted the camp just a few yards ahead, her mind only concentrating on when she would have to let Clementine go. There he was, sitting on his majestical horse. "Almost thought you wouldn't show," Jesus teased.

"Well, some people thought differently about this," Clem replied.

"That's good. It means they care about you."

The brunette turned to her girlfriend and flashed her a smile. She took her hands one last time before leaving. "I won't be gone too long. Get back to the school safely, okay? I love you," Clem uttered, her eyes following Violet's.

All the panic and worry that brewed within Violet immediately dissipated when Clem found her eyes. "I'll be waiting at the gate for you. I love you, too."

Clem kissed Vi on her cheek and hopped on Jesus' horse. She waved goodbye to the girl, and Jesus ordered the horse to flee. Violet watched her girlfriend ride off in the distance. She sighed, praying it wouldn't be the last time she'd see her. You better come home, Clem.


"So who else is in your community?" Clem curiously asked while watching the trees fly by.

"Some friends of mine and a few strangers we've met along the way. It seemed skeptical at first, but they've actually been pretty good assets to the group. That Gabe kid though, ever since I told him about you he hasn't shut up. I think he almost about pissed his pants."

"Heh, really?"

"Oh yeah. His eyes lit up like a kid opening a Christmas present." Clementine felt happy knowing she was missed. It had been years since she had last seen them. Maybe Gabe could teach his dumb card game, Uker, to the group. Louis would enjoy that.

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