Blood Ink

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"That's my tattoo, Y/N, on your body. You know exactly what that means." BTS Jungkook x Readertattoo artist AUgang AU
Author: pocketbangtan

Status: ongoing
I am currently reading this fanfiction and honestly it's really funny and wholesome to read, but suddenly stuff can happen that makes you react like 'what the heck' and I like how this book has shown an element of surprise in every chapter. I'm normally not into fanfictions but this is likely an exception. If you want drama, blood, dark humour and a little bit of romance this may be the one for you.

I just realised I tend to do unorganised reviews at random times. I'm gonna try getting into a routine, schools been hectic due to my exams coming up so see you next time.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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