Chapter 31 - Reunion

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The following morning brought, for John, the frustration of trying to enjoy eating an earth-style breakfast one-handed. It also brought Richard Woolsey, wanting details of the political and technological situation back on the planet now designated M3Y-259.

"It seems like an immensely complicated situation which could take months, if not years to resolve," he said, eagerly. "A new government to be formed, people to be repatriated, societies to be brought up-to-date technologically, not to mention the problem of institutionalised prejudice against those with the ATA gene." He rubbed his hands together with apparent relish. "All of which means we can exchange diplomatic assistance rather than valuable resources to obtain Ancient technology from Arboris."

John gave up trying to cut his pancake and just folded it and picked it up, deciding that having syrup dripping down his chin was a small price to pay. He had really missed pancakes.

"You should contact Keb," he said through his pancake, relishing its comforting starchiness and anticipating the salty crunchiness of his bacon.

"The leader of the resistance, yes, he'll need to form a temporary government if he hasn't already." Woolsey hesitated, looking awkward. "I just want to say how sorry I am that we were unable to trace you. Dr Zelenka did his best and searches were made, but..."

"We knew from the start that there was no way you could find us," said Rodney, who was swiftly and efficiently consuming a wide variety of breakfast items as if he was working to a deadline. "Not even I would've been able to track us down!"

"Yes, well," continued Woolsey. "I also want to assure you that your positions are still open. We've been in limbo for the past few months while the IOA have been discussing plans for Atlantis. A series of temporary military commanders... most unsatisfactory..." He tailed off briefly, but then sat up straighter and looked rather smug. "However, things are now more settled and both military and civilian operations are to expand, so there's plenty to do. And if the technology exists to resolve the whole wraith situation it's possible Atlantis will become a fully-fledged Earth colony in a few years time!"

Woolsey gave a nod of satisfaction and then bustled off to enjoy opening negotiations with Keb.

Rodney had finished his breakfast and was eying John's hopefully. John had stopped eating and was just staring at his plate.

"Are you going to eat your bacon?"

"Yes! Hands off McKay!" said John. He picked up a piece and began nibbling the end thoughtfully.

"I was just thinking about building a boat," he said.

"A boat?"

"Yeah, a tall ship, like the Seadragon."

Rodney shuddered. "No, thanks! I was seasick for over a week on that thing!"

"I miss it," said John. "Being right up there in the tops, feeling the wind. It was like flying." He looked at Rodney. "We had some good times. It wasn't all bad."

"I suppose," said Rodney grudgingly. "Some of it sounds a lot funnier than it was at the time."

"You tipping over that stall of spices!"

"Ha! Yes! Well that was funny, other than the fact we were being hunted down like animals."

"And then there was the whole V'stet thing.." said John, giving Rodney a sidelong glance.

"Oh, yes, well," spluttered Rodney, turning red. "I think we can leave that out of the report, don't you?"

"My thoughts exactly," agreed John.

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