Chapter 14 - Battle at Sea

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A sail was spotted on the horizon and the Captain's concern spread throughout the ship.  The whispers amongst the crew told John that this stretch of ocean was the reason the Seadragon carried guns; the area was rife with pirates.

It was strange to John that a dot on the horizon could provoke such fear, especially as the dot barely increased to the size of a recognizable ship, to the naked eye, over the next hour or so.  The Captain, having climbed partway up the mizzenmast to observe the distant sail himself through his telescope, had the air of a man about to face down a rapidly-approaching Wraith battle cruiser.

As time progressed, however, John began to understand the tension running throughout the crew.  He and the other seamen were sent aloft to crowd on as much canvas as they could and the Seadragon flew before the wind, there being no land nearby to worry about.  But still the other vessel grew larger.

"That'll be the Silver Flyer,"  said Tane, with grim resignation.  He squinted with his hand shading his eyes, from their position on the main topgallant yard.  "We'll not outrun that devil."

"Can we outfight them?" asked John, trying to make out the details of the enemy ship.

"The stern blaster should make them think twice," replied Tane.  "A taste of that and then a change of course overnight; that should get us away clean." John thought the older sailor sounded like he was trying to convince himself as much as John.

The two ships flew on, the water creaming at bow and stern as they sliced through the waves.  It was another hour before the Silver Flyer approached the range of the stern blaster and it would be longer still before the cannons would have any hope of hitting the enemy ship.

John, still poised for action high up in the mainmast and glad he'd been given a tatty old jersey against the constant wind, watched as there was a flurry of activity on the quarterdeck.  The Gunner hovered over the blaster, tapping at the touchscreen and, at a word from the Captain, fired.  With a piercing whine a red jet of energy shot out across the water and the Silver Flyer's bowsprit disappeared, leaving ropes and charred sails flapping in the wind.  The damage wasn't serious as the ship had only just been in range and the enemy crew would soon rig a replacement.  Nevertheless, a cheer went up from the crew of the Seadragon.

Then a sharp electrical crack rang out and sparks shot from the side of the blaster.  John saw the Gunner spring back, holding one hand in pain.  The control panel was dark and the Gunner could be seen waving his hands and talking fast to the concerned officers.

Tane shook his head, his jaw set.  "You any good hand-to-hand?"

"It'll come to that?"

"They'll catch us, they'll shoot away our rigging, then they'll board us," said Tane.

"I'm not going to let that happen," said John.  He took off his jersey and slung it over the backstay that ran all the way down to the deck.

"What are you doing?  You can't leave your post!" Tane put out a hand to stop John, but John just smiled, hooked a leg over the rope and pushed off to hurtle precipitously down to the deck.

Of course he was spotted straight away and with a roar of "Sheppard!" the Bosun was there as soon as his feet touched the ground.  John dodged the swipe of the knotted rope, jinked and twisted past the man and ran for the quarterdeck, feeling like he should have a ball in his hands and a team around him.  Feet pounded the deck behind him and he was brought down in a crashing tackle.

Knowing he was about to be dragged away, John yelled as loud as he could.  "McKay can fix it!  Captain!  The cook's mate can fix the blaster!" John then felt the Bosun's arm round his neck and he was hauled to his feet, his words choked off.

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