Chapter 12 - Kidnapped

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Rodney felt the prickle of rough rope binding his wrists behind him and then a harsh, low voice next to his ear: "You keep quiet or I'll knock you over the head, same as your friend here." Rodney saw a booted foot carelessly poke John's inert body.

Another voice came out of the mist. "What did you have to bash him on the head for? We'll have to carry him now!"

"Because I've come across his type before - you put him down fast or he causes a lot more damage than he's worth! Oi, you two, make yourselves useful and take this one!" Rodney saw hands grab John's legs and arms and begin to carry him away. He then felt a cloth being tied round his eyes before he was hauled to his feet.

"I still say we're playing with fire!" The second voice spoke again. "We're paid well for getting rid of them as knows more than they should! Why not just bash 'em both on the head proper, chuck 'em in the harbour and have done with it?"

"I've told you why not! Because why should we settle for one payment when we can get two? I'm not getting rid of merchandise that I can sell on!"

Rodney was then hauled forward by a rough grasp on one arm and hustled along, stumbling, trying in vain to keep track of the twists and turns of his route.


A bare hour after John and Rodney had been happily drinking beer in the tavern, equipped and ready to embark on their sea voyage, Rodney found himself on the floor of a cold, damp, musty-smelling cellar, his shaking hands reaching out to try to find his friend in the complete blackness.

Rodney's hand found an arm and followed it to check the pulse in John's neck. To his relief it beat strongly and he felt John begin to breathe more deeply and then, with a groan, he pushed himself up.


"Here." Rodney felt something touch his arm and then John shuffled next to him so that they sat, leaning against the rough stone wall, shoulder to shoulder.

"Well, this is nice," said John.

Rodney couldn't bring himself to respond.

"Cold, though."

Rodney felt John's bare toes wriggle against his own.

"And it seems like they've taken pretty much everything. Generous of them to leave us pants and t-shirts, I guess."

"Hm, yeah, generous!" Rodney agreed in a small voice.

Rodney felt John wriggle around and heard a small "Huh!" of satisfaction.

"One thing they didn't get."


"Ancient compass! Hid it in the hem of my pants a while back!"

"Not much use down here," Rodney said. His thoughts ran back over their day. "They must have heard us. Outside the Wraith church. One of them said, when you were unconscious, they're paid to get rid of people who know more than they should. Why do people always say important things when you're unconscious?"

"Because they know you'll take notes for me. Get rid of? Not that I'm complaining or anything, but I don't feel got rid of."

"Oh, they're astute businessmen, these thugs! Not keen on wasting resources! They're selling us." Rodney's lips clamped shut after these words and he shuffled even closer to John. Their chances of ever getting home had just plummeted.

They sat silent in the dark for a long time. Then the bolt on the door rattled and a bright light shone in. Rodney squinted against the glare and his nose twitched at the bitter, sulphurous smell of burning kerosene. He could see nothing beyond the light's glare.

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