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The next day was... let's just say rough...

Giyu woke me up at the crack of dawn literally telling me we have to move. He also explained that he made some extra soup for the road. Which made me question if he woke up earlier, Maybe didn't even sleep at all. Besides that I held the blanket from before around me as we went through the snow together. It was the usual, quiet. The snow went between my toes, making them numb.

That's when Giyu suddenly stopped. I stared at him, "What's the matter?" I asked and looked around a bit. "Something's off..." He trailed and then looked around at me, and at my feet. "Your feet are exposed."

"I had no shoes on to began with." I said. Giyu then looked around and looked at a tree. He groaned and then placed a hand on his forehead, "Is it alright if you wait until we head to a town?" He asked. This was the first conversation in a while. "Sure.." I spoke and he went back to walking.

It was bit longer before he stopped again. He then looked around and then gasped. "There's a Demon..." He said and held his hand out, "Hide." He said and then in a flash of light he was gone. I blinked. Huh?! How'd he-?! I didn't question any further. He wanted me to hide, I didn't know where to anyway. I looked for a hole in the snow or a large tree. Except all the trees here were thin and no animals made their holes. I sighed and tried to sit against one of the thin trees, praying to not get scolded by Giyu later on.

I looked up at the snow falling down and gently touched one flake. Watching as it melted against my hand into a tiny puddle. Snow is so beautiful... yet too much is such work... I thought and remembered about the extreme snow covered areas in the north of America. How New York for example would have at least two feet of snow or more, and how people would have to deal with ice on the roads. Pretty much risking their lives. Here where I am now... It's old, but still... Snow is a half love half hate relationship.

Then I heard footsteps. Thinking it was Giyu I looked up, but I saw nothing at first. Soon I saw a silhouette of a woman walking in the snow. I felt a shiver drill down my spine. Creepy... what is she doing out in the snow? Suddenly I hard what seemed to be screaming. I jumped and looked around. I didn't see anything and went back to see if the lady was still walking, which she up and vanished like Giyu did.

The screams came again, but I heard "SHE WONT KILL HUMANS!" My eyes widened. Oh my god it's happening! I then stood up but couldn't move. I knew what'll happen. But... I don't want Nezuko to get stabbed. I clenched the blanket that was around me. I started to tear up. What should I do?! That sentence ran through my brain about a hundred times. Then that last scream, a desperate cry sent me to run and abandon the blanket that kept me warm.

I ran as hard as I could. Lungs burning even though it was cold, feet frozen. Yet I still ran and ran. I got to prevent this! I just have to! I told my mind although it wanted me to go and run away. I was through of not going with my gut. So I continued towards the cries. That's when I saw them. Giyu along with Nezuko in his hand. His sword raised to strike. My eyes narrowed as I sprinted towards the scene, passing Tanjiro in the process. Giyu began to release the sword, but my hand reached out and grabbed his, barley scratching Nezuko.

Giyu's dark eyes widened at me. "You!?" He shouted, "I thought I told you to hide!"

"These... are the children I told you yesterday!" I explained. Not daring to look at him, knowing well he's pissed. "This is a demon!" He wiggled Nezuko around as she growled in protest, "She will kill many people along with that boy over there!-"

"She won't!" My voice cracked as I shook. Tears streaming down my cheeks, "She won't kill anyone! She will protect them!" I tried hard to explain, but I know you can't tell the future without solid proof. "Demons aren't suppose to receive sympathy! They will kill you and won't hesitate to do so-"

"I know that, but she's different..." My vision was starting to get blurry because of all the tears swelling down. Then I placed both hands on Giyu's. "Please, let her go. You'll see." He was quiet for a while before I heard Nezuko's growls increase. Before I knew it I was pushed to the side. I didn't see everything but I sat up to see Giyu staring off at something, his face completely shocked. I looked and saw what I described. A demon protecting her brother. Tanjiro smiled up at her as he sat on the snow, "Nezuko!" She continued to growl at Giyu. He then looked at me, "How did you know of this?" He asked. I blinked, "Again... I told you last night."

That's when Nezuko went to attack. Giyu was quicker though speeding away and dodging her attacks. "Don't Nezuko!" Tanjiro called. Suddenly Nezuko jumped off a tree and aimed towards Giyu's head, he quickly placed his sword away and swiped his hand against her neck knocking her out. "Nezuko!" Tanjiro screamed and got up. In a flash Giyu was behind him and did the same as he did to Nezuko earlier. I sat there in the snow dumbfounded. Giyu picked up the siblings and put them against a tree. He then turned to me. "I apologize..."


"I didn't believe what you said... I..." He didn't finish. He instead clenched his fists. "If I was here earlier... I would have prevented everything..."

"Sorry." I said. Guru stared at me again, "Why?"

"If I wasn't here, you would have been to their house quicker and would have killed the demon who caused Nezuko- I mean the girl to turn into a demon." I explained. Giyu narrowed his eyes, "It wasn't your fault. Fate caused you to be here, can't change it." He said and noticed the absence of the blanket. "Where's the blanket?"

"Ah... I kinda left it somewhere..." I trailed off and scratched the back of my neck. Giyu made a noise and quickly turned. Did he smile? I will never know. Giyu then looked at his hand that I held earlier. I blushed and spoke, "I didn't mean to be weird back there..." I said and he shook his head, "You let me not kill her, if you weren't here I would have." He explained. He then leaned against the tree and stared up at the sky, snow continuing to fall. "When... Will they wake up?"

"In a bit. I didn't knock them out for too long." I nodded at his reply and we went back to silence.

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