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Elite High School                    9:00 AM


How was your first day of high school? 

Was it full of enthusiasm , full of freedom , happy-happy moments , new life , new friends , full of enjoyment to another level ? 

You all might be wondering why am I asking you all about this...Well girls and dudes the answer is simple, it's my first day of high school! Although I have been to Elite in secondary school years ; it is going to be different now . At least everyone is saying this. They think I will be happy to meet new people and to make new friends?!

Why can't people understand the meaning of introvert?! 

Forget being happy by meeting new people ; I freak out even at the thought of standing in a group of five known people. I like to be alone. Except for the time spent with my one and only best friend Navya! 

Navya is definitely something! She brings out the shades in me which even I'm oblivious that I possess. It's like I'm some other person with her. We talk for hours. With everyone I'm a silent , introverted person but when it comes to Navya I'm the one who keeps on blabbering. We have been best friends since last 10 years! Navya is not an introvert like me. She is one of those queen bees. There is never a single gossip which Navya doesn't know , well most of the times the gossip is about her, if anything comes up to harm me it's Navya who reacts first. Such a sweetheart! She is a cheerleader in Elite's Basketball team .

Everything was going amazing until Mr.Cabir Dhawan came up in our lives. He and Navya have been in a relationship since last six months. Oops , I'm sorry . Did I make it sound like Cabir is some Villain ? 

Well, Cabir is really a good guy I guess. He plays in Elite's Basketball team. I have never talked to him face to face but Navya really seems to be happy about him. Its just that , now a days , Navya spends most of her time with Cabir. I should not complain ; after all she has all rights to spend time with her boyfriend. Things did't seem to be good for me though as Cabir was in another batch and Navya mostly used to bunk classes to see him. Navya isn't back from her Nainital vacation yet. Let's see what this new year of High School has for me. 

Straightening up myself , I moved towards the lecture hall to attend the first lecture of this year. I have always been a first bencher. But today there was no place left for me on first bench. In fact there wasn't even a single place except for two places on the last bench. 

Ignoring the weird stares of my classmates I sat on the last bench . If people call this a new experience , then trust me I personally Don't. Like. It. Everyone is staring at me as if I'm alien . I don't like when I get extra attention from unwanted people. 

Am I sounding pessimistic ? 

Navya always says we should look towards positive aspect of things. Even I believe that everything happens for a good reason and we should be positive about the things . But when it comes to socializing all my knowledge jumps into a black hole.

Thank god the lecturer arrived and now students have their eyes on what he is saying rather than me. The Physics lecture started but the lecturer was disturbed due to a guy who arrived late. He sat next to me while listening to the scoldings of our lecturer with a toothy grin. 

The guy was none other than Cabir. When the lecture was over he said -

Cabir(Smiling) : Nandini Murthy ?

Nandini(Smiling) : Hi Cabir! 

 Cabir : I almost thought I would never get a chance to talk to you. But here we are.

Nandini : Yeah. Here we are!

Cabir : You secured first rank previous year , right ?

Nandini : Apparently yes. Navya talks a lot about you.

Cabir(Winks) : Actually the thing is she talks a lot!

I smiled awkwardly . 

Cabir : I mean of course she talks a lot about you too. So we are in the same class for Physics and Chemistry I guess. 

Nandini : Yeah..

Cabir : That's great! Friends?

I shook hands with Cabir saying ,''Friends''. 

Next two hours the Chemistry lecturer taught something called 'Chemical Bonding' listening which Cabir completely ran out of patience. 

He started making Paper planes and throwing them in different directions. He even insisted me to make Paper planes with him. For a change I was interested in something that back benchers do! Me and Cabir were really fooling around. His snarky remarks on the lecturer made me laugh. I liked his company and he seemed to like mine. 

When we came out of the lecture hall Cabir said -

Cabir : It was really fun attending lecture with you Nandini.

I laughed as I understood his meaning of attending lecture. 

Cabir : So see you tomorrow. 

Nandini : Yes Cabir! See you tomorrow!

I was about to leave when I collided with a wall and I hissed.

Cabir : Woah Bro! What's the hurry?! 

Manik : Come on Cabir, it's the time for Basketball practice. 

Cabir : By the way Manik , Meet Nandini . Nandini, this is Manik. 

Manik just looked at me for a second . Suddenly he seemed alert about something. 

Manik : Let's go Cabir. 

Looking at me Cabir said-

Cabir : Bro At least say her Hi  

I again smiled awkwardly .

Manik(Shouted) : Let's go Cabir

Cabir : Okay. Don't get hyper. Bye Nandini.

I left bidding a bye to Cabir while Manik looked at me weirdly. The way he behaved was rude. Well I'm also most of the times rude to people but that's because I don't like socializing. At least I was trying to be good. Okay , May be he actually had something more important. 

Manik Malhotra is the captain of Elite's Basketball team . He has a different girlfriend every week. He is typical bad boy everyone says. I never judge anyone from their image without talking face to face with them . But I guess here , Manik's image is correct. After all why he had to be so rude with me?!


1st Chapter of Adorable Heart! 

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