Chapter 31- E.L._.O

Start from the beginning

I glanced to Bruce "That's why I used to lock the door when I got a cold." He nodded "Oh, is that what that was about? I always thought you were smoking." I got up and went to the tiny sink in the corner so I could splash some water on my face. I smiled to myself as I thought over the one and only time Alithea and I both decided to try Marijuana. Of course Ali was skeptical, being the good and innocent one out of us two. Once she tried it though, she loved it. She was a laughing mess while I was stuffing my face. That night was one of the only nights we were truly ever carefree in Wayne Manor. We weren't worried about training, patrol, or even what Bruce would think. Of course we never did it again after that because it kept us from functioning properly which would end badly if something were to happen and people needed us.

I shrugged away the memory as Bruce sighed "We don't have much time." I turned to look at him confused "What?" He nodded "lives in the balance, Dick. Lives in the balance." I scowled at him "I'm sorry, can you please be more clear?" He sighed "I'm trying. Remember, you're in charge. So Jericho.....he spoke to you." I turned away from him "You just like fucking with me." Bruce shrugged "A little bit. Yes. But honestly, it's time to get out of here." I shook my head "I'm not going anywhere. I'm booked for an extended stay. This is where I belong."

Bruce raised his hands up and gestured to me "Look at yourself. Moping in this hole like a coward. So you made a few mistakes, you got knocked down. Guess what? Nobody cares. All we care about is who gets up. The pity party is officially over." I got closer to him as I felt anger run through me "They we're not just mistakes, somebody died!" He glared at me "Oh, cry me a fucking river. The kids father killed him, not you! But here you stand hair-shirted. I think you just wanted a reason to give up. Not just on Jericho, but everybody. Rachel, Gar, Jason, Donna, Dawn and Hank. Am I leaving anybody out? Oh right" he paused "Alithea."

I snapped once I heard her name. I threw my bed and it slammed against the wall as the bedding went everywhere. I looked to Bruce "Quitter." he spit it at me with such disdain. I grabbed a part of the bed frame that had broken off and tried throwing it at him. He dodged and then my cell door opened and a guard came in. I immediately grabbed him and slammed him into the wall before throwing him into the metal sink. He hit it hard and then slumped to the floor. Bruce leaned against the wall looking at his watch "We're waisting time."

I yelled "Fuck off!" Right as two more guards with batons ran in and started hitting me. I slumped to the floor and gave up as they hit me over and over again. My vision went blurry until finally I was just out cold.


Ali's POV

We were standing in the living room looking at everything when Donna's phone started vibrating. She pulled it out and looked at me "It's Rachel." I nodded and she quickly answered it and put it on speaker "Rachel. I've been looking everywhere for you. Where have you been?" The line was staticky and we could barely make anything out "Donna.." I shook my head "Rach?" I heard a "Ali.....I need you" there was a pause "...Elko Diner..." Donna yelled "Rachel!" The line went dead and me and her both looked at each other. What the hell?

Donna tried calling Dick again but it went to voicemail. I sighed as she looked at me with a scowl on her face "I can't believe he just left you here to deal with everything alone." I shook my head "It's fine. We both know he's better at running than staying." She gave me a sympathetic look as I continued "Let's just find this place." She nodded, and I went and changed out of my bloody and torn up clothes. We walked out of the tower and got in a car. We started making our way to Elko Diner in Nevada. The place Rachel said.

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