love </3

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What the fuck is up with love?
I hate love so much.
What is the point of dating someone when you know your eventually end up heartbroken?
Nobody will truley love me
No boy or girl has ever looked in my direction before.
Is it be cause im not as skinny as the other girls?
I already dont eat breakfast and lunch every day,
Because im poor and i dont wanna look bad
Is it because Im not pretty?
I know my face isn't perfect but isn't it  it's what inside that counts?
I don't wanna be alone anymore
Im desperate
I wanna be with someone
Anybody who can make me happy.
I listen to love songs pretending that one day i will be lucky to find someone i care about
Pretending that i will be happy
I wanna be happy
I cant because my happy is dead
I wanna fit in
I remember when i was in elementary i liked this boy
Lets called him eli
Eli was the first person i ever really liked
Everytime i saw him i had butterflies i couldn't stop thinking about him 
I was...
In love
I remember one day in school when i was with my best friend lets call her jane.
She told me that eli thought i was very ugly
To this day i never liked a boy nor girl sense that day
I kept my distance from people
Because maybe Jane said that because she knew i liked him and she liked him too
Or maybe he actually thought i was ugly
I was never gonna do anything about my love for this boy anyway
I was just compress it within myself until it faded away
Until it was nothing
So i hate love because of that day
It has been a lesson to me for a long time
I dont know if i will ever open up again
Well thats the end to the second chapter of this mess
Love you </3

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