Clary: Gross.

-Scene change-

[Mike and Tina singing 'Sing!']

-Scene change-

April: What did you think, Mr. Preppy McDimple butt? (A/N I think thats what she said lol)

Quinn's BF: Oh, I thought it was, um, very energetic.

Mike: Dude, you were texting the whole time.

-Scene change-

Mercedes: Now their saying my CD is off of the release schedule until I agree to another photo shoot. One showing more skin.

Mike: What? Screw him!

-Scene change-

Mike: Stay away from my woman!

-Scene change-

Mike: We need a sugary sweet jolt of the Beibs to get us some action.

-Scene change-

[Mike dancing alone in the dance studio]

-Scene change-

Mike: We should go to Asian couples therapy.

Tine: Why does it have to be Asian?

-Scene change-

Tina: What about you Mike?

Mike: Mike Chang dance dance revolution. Tired of my dancing being overshadowed by all you guys singing. Gonna be just me and my sweet moves on that stage.

Alec: You must have really liked dancing. Why don't you do it anymore?

Magnus: I do dance, but it's in secret.

-Scene change-

Reporter dude I'm forgetting the name of: What about the rumors the two of you are dating?

Tina: Because we're both Asian? That's racist.

Mike: Totally racist.

-Scene change-

[Mike singing for his West Side Story audition]

-Scene change-

Tina: Stupid! I'm so stupid! I mean, what kind of idiot does this?

Mike: You.

-Scene change-

Mike: I want Channing Tatum to stop being in stuff.

-Scene change-

Mike: So hot you're gonna wanna say hell to the yes!

-Scene change-

Sam: We want actual ideas Kurt.

Mike: Footloose marathon. Footloose, Footloose 2011.

-Scene change-

[Mike and Jake dancing]

-Scene change-

Mercedes: Mike knows what I'm talking about, right?

Mike: Oh, I totally know what you're talking about. [Mouthing] I have no idea.

-Scene change-

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