Exploring the Sewers

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"Dakota!" I hear my older sister yell from downstairs,"your gonna be late for school come on!"


"I'll be right there !" I shout back,quickly slipping on one of my dad's old collared shirts and heading down stairs.

"I'm here I'm here~" I tell her ,taking a piece of toast from the plate that laid on the kitchen table.

"Jesus Christ hurry up!" She urges,holding out my lunchbox.

"Thanks Anna!" I sigh with relief,"gotta go love you byyyyyeee!"

I rush out of the door,hopping on my bike and speeding down the empty road. Once I turn a corner, I see the familiar red bike of Richie Tozier.

"What up Koda~!" He shouts,pedaling beside me," sister still single?"

"Ha-ha Richie~" I roll my eyes," like I would tell you".

"Awww come on~!" He groans," she's smoking hot! Didn't you see her when we came over, she was all over me!"

"Oh I'm sorry" I tell him," I didn't know offering you an ice pack after trying to do a back flip over the fence was considered flirting"

"Damn right it is~!" He laughs, holding up his hand.

I chuckle, and high-five his hand, earning a small 'yes~' from the bug-eyed-Boy. I notice us drawing near Bill Denbrough's house, who would usually be waiting for us with his bike.

"Where's bill?" I ask Richie

"Don't know..." he shrugs," probably tickling his pickle in the tub again"

"Okay gross" I tell him,"but seriously, should we wait or just go?"

"Don't know" he says again.

I quickly jump off my bike,going up to the front door and giving it a couple knocks. Mrs Denbrough opens the door,"oh hello Koda" she says,forcing herself to make a little smile.

"Hello Mrs Denbrough~" I politely greet her,
"Is Bill coming to school today...?"

"Why yes he should be" she says," I'm sure he might still be in his room".

"I'll go get him~"I sigh,giving her a pat on the shoulder and walking inside the house. I quickly say 'good morning' to Bill's father, and head upstairs to his room.

"Bill come on!" I knock on his door," your gonna be late for school!"

I hear the frantic shuffle of items on the other side,and the door swiftly opens to reveals the stuttering boy, eyes bloodshot and hair messy.

"You over slept again didn't you~?" I chuckle

"N-n-no" He says defensively, I just laugh and wrap an arm around his shoulder,leading him downstairs and out of the house.

"Bye Mrs Denbrough!" I quickly yell,pushing her groggy son out the door.

We get on our bikes, and continue our destination to school. "What the hell happened to you?" Richie curses,looking at Bill,"no offense dude but you look like you just had a stroke"

"Richie!" I scold him

"What it's the truth!"

"Listen bill" I speak to the disheveled boy," I know your going through a lot, but you need to get back on your sleeping schedule, did you stay up all night again?"

Her Waiting Arms ~DISCONTINUED~(Stanley Uris x Reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now