His eyebrows raised even more to the point where Thomas was sacred that they would reunite with his non-existent hair line. "No! Absolutely not! That is not happening!"

Thomas winced at Alby's raised voice but persisted anyway, "But-"

"Honestly, shank, I thought you were smarter than that! Do you really think that I would just let my two best runners skip a day to do what? Sit on their butts and watch everyone else work of theirs? No!"

"But, Alby, it's for a good reason." Thomas pleaded with him to hear him out.

Alby slouched back in his chair. "And what is that?"

"We're trying to get Newt and Y/n together."

The Leader froze, obviously taken aback by the reason for the stupid request. He seemed to ponder it for a while, "That is a good reason."

Thomas nodded, shots of relief shooting through his body as he was slowly winning him over. "You're Newt's best friend so you should know more than anyone how this is affecting him."

Alby tapped his fingers against the table. "So you two got a plan?" Thomas nodded.

"Does it involve anyone getting hurt?" This was referring to the Minho part. Minho's plans in the past haven't always...gone too well. Thomas shook his head as a response.

Alby thought it over once again before giving his consent. "Alright, I'm okay with that, as long as Minho doesn't kill anyone!" He said the last part harsher.

A smile broke out on Thomas's face, "Thanks, Alby, you won't regret this!" He turned to leave, but before he could go the Leader stopped him one more time. 

"And Thomas, if this doesn't work out, I'm throwing you and Minho off the cliff myself." Thomas smiled before giving him a salute and exiting. Alby just shook his head.


While Thomas was getting Alby to give the two the day off, Minho was looking for the only cook in the Glade. When he finally found him he made sure that no one was watching when he approached.  Frypan was cleaning up the last of the pans from dinner, happily scrubbing away.

"My main man Fry! I need a favor."

Frypan kept his attention on the pot, not bothering to look up. "I'm not giving you my hair gel Minho, we've been through this already."

"No that's not what I want." Minho mentally facepalmed. "Although...no. No, what I need is for you to make sure Newt doesn't know me or Thomas is around tomorrow."

Frypan stopped and, this time, met his friend's eyes. He placed the pot on the table and leaned against it. "Is this a prank?"

"No!" Minho was quick to defend. Frypan raised a brow wanting him to to explain. 

Minho sighed, "Thomas and I are trying to get Newt and Y/n together and we need you to keep lookout for us while we get everything ready."

At the mention of the two Frypan dropped the pot and gasped. "Really? You're finally getting them together!? After all this time?"

Minho nodded taking a step back surprised by his friend's outburst. Of course, people wanted the two to get together. The agony of watching them fall harder and harder for the other, but not do anything about it was painful to watch.

"Yes, calm down shank. But we need you to-"

"Yes!" Frypan cut him off, "Yes, I'll do it!"

Minho smirked and said a thank you before walking away while behind him, Frypan squealed.

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