Au-Money Problems

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Showers are the time for thinking. Although they are also the time for many other things, today they are for thinking. Or in your case worrying.

It hasn't been that long since you and Newt bought an apartment together and already it was failing you. You bought it almost three months ago on limited money, knowing that it would be rough. And it was, both you and Newt had jobs and worked almost all day, only getting spend time with each other on your lunch breaks (You would meet at a small cafe near by) and once you got home.

Three months later, money was still tight. You had to be careful how much you spent already and now that the air conditioning broke in the middle of June you were pushed over the edge. You just didn't have the money to fix it.

To make matters worse you were on maternity leave so you didn't get the extra money that came in when you did work and you were over emotional. (A/n By the way, sorry that there's so much pregnancy in the last two imagines...haha, whoops!)

You sighed and let the water run through your y/c/h hair, slip of your body, and run down the drain. You finished washing and were now letting yourself relax and think..Well, more like worry. All these problems kept showing up and the only way to fix them was money. Money that you didn't have.

Maybe it was just you, but suddenly the water didn't feel as warm as before. You try to adjust the temperature, but it wouldn't go any warmer. Then, like an unexpected wave, it was freezing.

You gasp, yelp, and quickly shut off the water. You scurried out, shivering and shocked by the sudden icy water. You grab a towel wrapping it around your shaking body. It must be the water heater! You groaned, could this day get any worse?


You debated calling Newt and telling him what happened, but decided against it. You would just wait until he came home from work. It wasn't like he could just drop everything and come see what the problem was, besides you weren't going to take another shower today so it would be fine.

You're just working yourself up, Y/n

The rest of the day was doing things around the house while worrying yourself sick. Thoughts of you and Newt ending up on the street, cold and hungry, begging for money, food, clothing, although absurd, still scared you. You were overreacting, you knew it, but your emotions got the better of you.

After what seemed like years, you head the jingle of keys in the lock. You were pacing, biting your nails, a bad habit, when the noise stopped you. Finally, Newt was home! 

Unless someone staked him, mugged him, stole his keys and is here to finish you off and steal all your things!!

You wanted to strangle your thoughts. It was all you could do to not throw open the door and bury your head into Newt's neck and tell him all your problems and fears. Newt pushed open the door and before he could even get all the way inside, you tackled him with a hug and a bunch of kisses. 

After the initial shock Newt chuckled and held you, "Rough day?" He asked in that sweet British accent you love.

"Like you wouldn't believe!" You grunted and complained. He pecked your forehead then bent down on his knees so he was face to face with the large bump that was your stomach.

"Did Isaac give mommy a hard time today?" He held your hips firm, but gentle. And his face shown all seriousness. He was such a talented actor.

You laughed a bit. Newt even just being here made you feel so much better. His presence was warming and you could feel all your worries slipping away into oblivion.

"Actually," you got Newt's attention by placing to fingers under his chin so he was looking at you, "Isaac wasn't the problem."

"Oh." Newt's eyebrows furrowed and he kissed your belly mumbling a short apology and standing back up. "What is it then?"

You sighed running both hands through Newt's gorgeous golden hair. You swear every time you're in the presence of this boy you fall in love with him all over again. Each time falling harder and harder. He grabbed your hips and pulled you closer. 

"It's the water heater...I think it's broken." You say biting your lip. Somehow you felt responsible for it. Like you purposely took a hammer and beat the living daylights out of it for fun.

You begin to explain what happened and rant about all the other money issues you had. Your worries, fears, destructive thoughts, slipping out your mouth and onto the floor in a hideous mess. They looked up at you and smiled wickedly, tauntingly.

"...and I just don't know how we can keep this up! Newt, what if we don't make it-"

You were cut off my a pair of lips crashing onto yours. It was reassuring and most likely a way to get you to shut up, but you didn't care. As long as Newt was kissing you, you didn't mind. Your lips  moved in beautiful sync, they fit together like they were made for each other. The taste of him all too exhilarating and familiar.

 "Y/n, we are gonna make it." He breathed, his breath hot, sending chills down your spine, before securing his lips back to yours. He deepened the kiss, his grip firm on your hips, and yours gently tugging at the small soft hairs on the back of his neck.

You broke away to speak. "How do you know?" You gasped for breath. He brought you closer and leaned forward so his lips were by your ear. His breath was hot and made you feel tingly and weak. He whispered gently into your ear, "Cause I got a promotion."

You gasp, and look into his chocolate brown eyes, filled with happiness. "You did? Really?"

He nodded smiling down at you with all the love in the world. "Oh, Newt that wonderful!" You exclaimed, passionately kissing him. He kisses back smiling into it.

A tear slides down your face and, without braking the kiss, he wipes it away, his hand cupping your cheek, not leaving. The kiss ends when you both need air. "Why are you crying?" He asks, concern clear on his face.

You smile, eyes watering. "Cause we're really gonna be okay. We're gonna make it."

He chuckles, shaking his head before he rests his forehead against yours. "Yes, Y/n, we're gonna make it. Now let's go check out that water heater, eh?"

You smile and he kisses you once more before the two of you go down and see the damage.

Turns out it wasn't broken, you just took too long of a shower and used up the already heated water. 

A/n Hey guys!! I'm sorry, this chapter was supposed to be out yesterday, but instead I had to go in for a strep test...yay. Anyways, here ya go, I hope you enjoy it!

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