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Today yet another Greenie came up in the box, and surprise surprise, it was a boy. Even though you wanted another girl around the Glade, you weren't too upset because you knew that along with a Greenie came a bonfire.

 You love the bonfires here. You could stay up late getting drunk and it was the only time anyone could relax and forget that they were stuck in a Griever infested maze with no way out. But the best part was getting to hang out with Newt.

Newt was your best friend and secret crush. Ever since he pulled you out of the box a year ago and showed you nothing but kindness, you knew you liked him. You liked everything about him! From the way he smiles with his eyes to the way specks of sunlight reflect off of his golden hair. 

You wish so badly that you could tell him your ever growing feelings for him, but you couldn't tell him. The thing was he didn't see you that way, that was one of the things that was so intriguing to you, he didn't flirt with you or try to make a move on you. He purely saw you as a friend, an equal.

You sighed as you put away a roll of bandages, checking off another box on your inventory list. It made you sad thinking that Newt and you would never be together, but when you're a Med-Jack and it's a slow day, thinking is inevitable. And of course you would think about Newt. Who wouldn't?

Luckily, after you finished taking inventory and putting the new medical supplies away, you were done for the day and could go find Newt before the bonfire started. Everyone else was already done with their jobs, working hours ended half an hour ago, but you had to stay and finish unpacking your supply box because earlier you decided that you had better things to do with your think about Newt.

You resumed your unloading when you heard the door to the hut swing open. "Hey, Y/n, what are you still doing in here? There going to start the bonfire soon" The familiar British accent sounded like silk in your ears. You turn to Newt, picking up a bottle of Advil.

"Oh, hey!" You say, smiling widely. Suddenly your day became just that much better. "I was just finishing up with the new supplies." You toss the capsule back and forth between your hands.

"Because you procrastinated again, love?" You stayed silent, but a smiled played along your lips. Newt shook his head in mock disappointment.

"Fine, fine, you caught me." You step up onto your tippy toes, trying to place the small bottle onto a shelf. A body comes behind you, his hand reaching up, taking the medicine from your hand, and placing it on the shelving.

"Thank you."

He smiles, "Of course, anything for you." You blush, hoping he doesn't notice."Would you like me to help you finish unpacking?" 

"I would love that, but don't you have to help light the fire?" 

He shrugs, "They can do it without me this one time."

You press your lips together in a smile, then you continue emptying the last bit of the pile Newt by your side the whole time.


You lead Newt out of the Med-Jack hut by the hand, pulling him along towards the bonfire. Newt laughs behind you telling you to slow down, but you didn't listen. The sounds of the boys laughing and yelling drew you in.

When you got there, you and Newt took a seat on a log next to Minho, Thomas, and Chuck. You sat in between Minho and Newt, a grin plastered on your face, knowing that this was going to be a good night.

"So where have you two been?" Minho asks, smirking, he takes a sip of the drink in his hand, all the while eyeing you two. You already know what Minho is implying and that that isn't his first drink either.

"I was helping Y/n finish up her inventory." Newt answers.

He raises an eyebrow, his smirk getting wider, "Uh huh."

You roll your eyes, turning to Newt you ask. "Would you like to get a drink with me?"

Glancing at Minho, he nods. He stands up offering you a hand. You gladly take it and you both grab a drink. You take a sip of it meeting Newt's eyes. 

"I don't know if I wanna spend the rest of my night with a drunk Minho."

As if on cue, Minho hollers up at the sky for no apparent reason. He steps onto the log before losing his balance and falling to the ground, spilling what's left in his cup all over himself.

Holding back a laugh you agree. Newt leads you over to an empty log and you both sit on the ground, your backs against the bark. You take a swig of the drink, the liquid burning your throat on the way down, but you love the feeling. 

You look over at Newt, the light from the fire is creating shadows that fall on Newt's face calling attention to his best features. His brown eyes look like they were melded with gold. You wanted to stay that way forever soaking in every one of his gorgeous characteristics. But he must've noticed you staring cause he turned his head in your direction.

"What?" he asked, oblivious to what you were feeling right then, "Do I have something on my face?" 

Scrambling for words, you panicked. "Umm, n-no, but you have...I-I mean I.... I really like....your ears."

There was a small silence before Newt chuckled, it was an amused chuckle and it made the  butterflies in your stomach go crazy like drunk Minhos.

"Y/n, are you drunk?"

You look down, not quite sure what to say, only knowing what you were feeling. "N-no, I'm not...oh shuck it." 

You drop your drink and crash your lips into his, your hands cupping his face. He didn't do anything for a second and you were worried that you might've ruined something, but after the initial shock, he melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around your waist. 

You moved your hands, one to the back of his neck and the other tangled itself into his hair. Your lips moved in perfect sync with each others. It was sweet and passionate. 

You broke away first, gasping for breath. You kept your heads close together, and neither one of you removed your hands. Newt was the first one to speak.

"You have no clue how bloody long I've wanted to do that." He said breathlessly, smiling.

You bit your lip, nodding, "Me too."

He moved close to your ear, "Y/n?" His hot breath down your neck sent chills throughout your body. 

"Yeah?" You said with a giggle.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

He chuckled a bit, "Best bonfire ever," He said before latching his lips to yours. You couldn't have agreed more.

A/n Hey everyone, thanks for reading my first Newt Imagine! I would love to hear what you think of it and if I should continue to do more of these...? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it!

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