Girl in the Scorch-Part 1(NXR)

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Y/n's POV

The storm was coming. I could feel it in the wind change. It stopped me dead in my tracks, making my backpack jump up my back. I was too far away from 'home' to make it back in time. I can't stay here, in the open. 

Quick second decisions, will either save your butt, or kill it. But that's what the Scorch is all about.

I sprint to the nearest building, the sand flying out from under my feet. My old backpack jostles around and I'm afraid the straps might snap. I pull the bandanna over my mouth and nose, hoping to stop any sand from soaring into them. So much for collecting tonight.

The wind is strong, but I know it's only going to get stronger, I squint my eyes. I almost made it to the building when the first lightening strikes. A deafening crack from somewhere behind me throws me forward and I land face first into the sand.

My ears ring and my head throbs, I try opening my eyes, black dots swim through my vision. I look behind me, only 10 feet from where I once was there was a dark deep hole in the ground from where the lightening hit. Any closer and I most likely would've been dead.

A sharp pain shot through my leg as I reached out for my backpack lying next to me, I bit down on my lip. The straps finally broke. I quickly scoop it up, knowing that I was vulnerable. Vulnerable doesn't survive on their own. I pull the backpack into my chest and crawl the rest of the way towards the building.

Boards border off the broken windows and beat up door. However, at one of the windows there's a big gap between two of them and I'm small enough to fit through. I duck down and squeeze through them.

The building is dark, obviously, and it smells of rotten flesh and mold. I can hear the wind and lightening much better in hear, but it's more hollow than it is outside. I walk around, eyes pealed and attentive ears. I was listening for cranks.

After deciding that there were none, I sat down in one of the corners to inspect my injuries. I knew my head would be fine, just distorted for a while, and my ears probably just severely popped.

I was mainly checking for cracked spines or ribs, until I saw the blood. Then I remembered my leg. I quickly stripped out of leather strap fastened to my thigh holding a knife. There was a deep gash along the side of my thigh. Luckily it wasn't too big or wide, so no stitches. But it was deep enough that it would be a slow healing process.

I grunted as I shifted in my position on the ground. Where did this come from? I didn't have any extra clothing to stop the blood flow, so I decided to put the makeshift holster back over the wound. 

I was carefully slipping it on when I saw the uncovered knife. It all clicked, the knife must have pieced through the covering when I fell and in the process stabbing me. Great, just great.

I inspected the cut again, trying to brush the dirt out, hoping that it wouldn't get infected. Then I heard it. Voices. Many yelling voices in fact. They were right outside the building. I grabbed my knife, not realizing my blood on it and I got to my feet, pushing my belongings behind me.

I heard them trying to rip the boards off the door, I braced myself for a fight.

Newt's POV

After breaking the boards from the door, we hauled an injured Minho into the abandoned building. We sat him down on the floor and tried to shut the now open door. The wind pushed against it, and we were all busy trying to keep it close.

"Uh, guys." I heard Minho's scratchy voice.

"Hold on, Minho." Someone said with a grunt.

"No seriously-"

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