"Um, Arthit?"

Arthit was reaching to pick up some bulbs to add to his collection when he turned to look at Kongpob.

"Yes Kongpob."

"Um, I don't know if you have any plans this evening, but would you like to, um, have dinner with me?"

Arthit was stunned. He truly enjoyed the time he spent with Kongpob but wasn't sure if dinner was a good idea. That would give their interaction a whole other vibe. Would that mean they would become friends? Are you supposed to be friends with your therapist?

"Well, I don't know if that's a good idea Kongpob."

Kongpob frowned and turned his head away. He didn't want Arthit to see how deeply disappointed he was.

"I...I understand. You probably have someone to get home to, right? I know we've never discussed your romantic life. The last thing I want to do is cause a problem for you at home. Good night, then. I'll leave now."

Kongpob turned to leave when Arthit grabbed his arm to stop him.

"No! I mean, I want to have dinner with you, but I'm just not sure how that would affect our professional relationship. Is it okay? Are we breaking any rules?"

Kongpob smiled realizing Arthit wanted to spend more time with him as well.

"That's it. I'll solve this problem right now and put your mind at ease." Kongpob took out his phone and placed a call. Arthit began to protest, but Kongpob raised his hand to stop him. "Marena? Hi, it's Kongpob. Sorry to bother you on a Saturday evening, but I need you to do something for me first thing Monday morning. Call Dr. Intochar and have Arthit Rojnapat added to his patient list. Thanks! See you on Monday. Enjoy your weekend."

Kongpob ended the call and smiled warmly at Arthit.

"I can't believe you did that. You are..."


"Crazy. You're crazy." Arthit laughed heartily, putting his hand over his mouth to quiet himself.

"You know we shrinks don't like that word." Kongpob laughed as well and clapped Arthit on his shoulder.

Kongpob's touch sent electric shocks throughout Arthit's body. He gasped at the feeling. Hearing his gasp, Kongpob yanked his hand back and apologized.

"I'm sorry, Arthit. I didn't mean to invade your personal space." He stepped back from Arthit.

Arthit shook his head and reached for Kongpob's hand.

"No, you misunderstood. I just didn't expect it, that's all. It was fine."

Kongpob looked down at his hand that was being held by Arthit. He slowly smiled at the interaction and squeezed Arthit's hand. The smaller man's cheeks were once again dusted pink with embarrassment, but Kongpob would not let him remove his hand.

Hand in hand, they enjoyed the rest of the expo.

The café was intimate and off the beaten path. Arthit was amazed at the atmosphere. It felt warm and inviting. Everyone who worked there was so welcoming and vibrant. The air crackled with an upbeat feeling that was infectious.

"How did you find this place? It's great."

"I'm so glad you like it. I found it in college. It belongs to my best friend's parents."

Kongpob had just finished his sentence when an older woman approached them.

"Kong!  So happy to see you." The woman leaned forward, embraced him and kissed him on the cheek. "It's been so long. Phana told me you were getting married. Where is the lucky girl? Is she joining you later?"

Kongpob tried to smile back at her, but he felt like ice cold water had been poured over him. He caught a glimpse of Arthit's face and, as he feared, he was no longer smiling.

"Um, she's with her parents this weekend."

"Oh, that's too bad. Maybe you can bring her next time. Who's your friend? He's so handsome. Another successful doctor, maybe? My friend has a gorgeous daughter that would be perfect for you." She pinched Arthit's fluffy cheeks and smiled warmly at him.

Arthit smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Thank you, Auntie, but I am not available for dating. In fact, I didn't realize how late it is. I must be going. It was nice to meet you, Auntie. Thanks for today, Kongpob. Enjoy the rest of your night."

"Arthit! Wait!" Kongpob tried to go after Arthit, but Auntie was in his way.

"So, Kong. Tell me about your fiancé..."

Auntie continued to speak, but Kongpob didn't hear her. All he could see was Arthit leaving the café, his head bowed. He could feel his heart breaking into a million pieces watching the man walk out alone.

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