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It shouldn't have felt this uncomfortable to learn that the Hale vault was located underneath our school. There was something seriously wrong with the architecture of this town. At any rate, we were racing Kate to the vault, and her beating us wasn't an option.

We'd made it to the school, and Peter was leading us through the courtyard to the entrance. We raced up the stone steps, but I stopped when I noticed Scott and Malia had as well.

"Did you catch a scent?" Scott asked her.

"It's the same one..." She said, her eyes scanning the dark behind us. "The same one as Mexico."

"What is she talking about?" Peter says confused.

"One of them came after us in the church ruins." I explained, looking around us for any sign of it.

"And one on the road." Malia added. "They couldn't have followed us here..."

"But they could've been brought- by Kate." Scott argued.

I freeze, concentrating on growls coming from somewhere out of sight. "Oh, I've heard that sound before..." Peter muttered. "Did it have an animal skull? A human wearing a skull over its face?"

"I think so." Malia answered hesitantly.

"What are they?" I asked him urgently.

Peter's eyes widened, looking past Malia and I. ".... Berserkers...." He answered.

I whipped around, standing a few yards away was a bulky figure. It's body was covered in an armor of bones. Malia growled at it, and stepped forward. Peter crabbed her arm, pulling her back.

"Are you crazy?" He muttered, trying to minimize the noise we made.

"There's just one of them." Malia said confidently.

"That means we have a chance." Peter says.

"To beat him?" She asks.

"To survive." Peter says before taking off running in the opposite direction.

I looked back at the Berserker, still stalking towards us. "Run." Scott stated cautiously.

Malia took off, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from it. Not until Scott grabbed my arm, pulling me with him until I started running myself. I looked back, it was now charging after us at full speed.

I could see Malia a few paces ahead of us, but Peter was nowhere to be seen. I looked behind us again, and the Berserker was gone. We slowed down a bit, then stopped when it was in front of us. How did it...

It's bones were tapping against each other in a chilling sound. We started backing up cautiously, then I caught sight of one approaching us from the side. I grabbed Scott's arm, pulling him away from it and behind me.

"It's both- they're both here." Malia said, panicked.

"Go, up!" I motioned to the stairs behind us.

"Where the hell's Peter?!" Scott demanded, pulling me up the stairs.

"I don't know." Malia shook her head. "He just took off."

The Berserker followed us up the stairs, getting faster with every step. I was about to look for the other one when I heard its bones stomping on the ground above us, blocking the exit to the staircase. No more running.

I flicked my claws out, roaring at the one above us. Scott jumped off the top, leaping over the one at the bottom of the staircase. He raked his claws against it's chest but it didn't seem fazed. I leapt off like Scott did, kicking off the side of the wall, my claws raking the side of its animal skull.

It grabbed a fist full of my hair, pulling me up then throwing me back down the staircase. I groaned, my head slamming into concrete. Malia fell from the second floor, landing hard just a few feet from me.

Scott was struggling against the wall with the other one until it tossed him down next to us. I could feel blood spilling down the side of my head, but they were heading back down to us. Scott grabbed my arm, trying to help me scramble back further from them.

"They're too strong..." I shook my head as they got closer.

I could feel myself becoming more and more panicked. I heard a short but familiar whistling noise, I didn't have time to look anywhere else when an arrow lodged itself into the shoulder of one of the Berserkers.

For half a second I thought it was Allison, then I saw Evan standing a few yards away. The Berserker didn't look too bothered by the arrow's damage, but a little confused. Kira jumped over us, waking her sword against their bones, further scaring them.

She got a few good swings in before the Berserker knocked it away from her, striking her face and knocking her down.

I thought they'd come for us, but they turned around. Beginning to attack someone else, but I couldn't see who. I was startled when Evan rushed over to me, touching my arm.

"Are you okay?" He asked. It was unexpected to see him like this, fighting. His aim had gotten a lot better since I last saw him shoot. I did take notice of my Father's pendant hanging around his neck. He must've found it in my room after I left.

".... fine." I muttered after a second.

I looked back to the Berserkers, who were now running away....

I could see clearly now, the figure that was fighting them. It was Derek. Our Derek. Back to his normal age.

"Derek?" I asked standing back on my feet.

He shifted back, slowly raising his head. He was breathing heavily, but he didn't look hurt from the fight.

He blinked, and his other set of eyes started to glow. What stumped me was the color. They weren't their normal glistening blue. They were golden yellow....

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