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Yuna woke up in an empty bed. Where is Chan? She thought.

Her eyes wandered through the room until they landed on the fluffy puppy curled up on the other side of the bed.

"Berry" she called the dog but she didn't move.

Strange Yuna thought. Normally the dog would have woken up immediately and run towards her. 

Yuna crawled to the other side of the bed.

What she saw made her scream in horror.

The cute dog looked at her with empty eyes and blood all around her.

Yuna didn't know what to do and started crying.

Suddenly she had the feeling of throwing up and ran towards the bathroom.

As she opened the door she screamed even louder than before.

She fell on her knees.

In the bathtub was Chan's lifeless body lying in red water. 

Suddenly Yuna had struggles to control her breathing. 

She started to hear voices.

It's your fault. The things you love always die because of you. Your parents, your dog and now your beloved Chan. 


She was curled up on the floor and covered her ears. But the voices were inside her head.

Look at you. So pathetic. So ugly. Everything is your fault. You should have died instead of them.



"STOP YUNA STOP" Chan yelled, grabbing Yuna’s arms and pinned them down onto the mattress. 

When Yuna woke up covered in sweat and tears all over her face the first thing she saw was Chan. It was still dark outside. 

She had difficulties getting air.

"Yuna baby, relax breath. Breath in... and out. Breath in... and out...Breath in.... and out." 
After that Yuna was finally able to breathe normally again.

She was still shaking.

"Wait" Chan said and stood up. He went to their closet and picked out a pair of boxers for himself, a pair of panties for Yuna and two shirts of his. He put his clothes on and then he helped Yuna.

Yuna started crying again remembering everything and the voices.

Chan pulled her on his lap stroking her head. 

"Babe everything is fine right now. It was just a nightmare. I am here right now"

She laid her head on his shoulder and he pulled her even closer.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked.

Yuna shook her head.

"Okay. Remember I will always be there for you okay?" He put his fingers under her chin, lifted up her head and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

"It's 4 am. Do you wanna go back to sleep again or should we get up?" 

"Let's go back to sleep" she said, her voice still a bit raspy from the yelling and crying.

Her head laid on Chan's arm while he had his other arm tightly around her waist. 

He kissed her head "good night Yuna. I love you"

"I love you too," she whispered.


480 words

Special thanks to Leo_The_Lioness for editing and correcting my mistakes!☀️

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