[ f i f t e e n ]

Start from the beginning

Okay it's a bit funny

"Why you laughing?" He say and I can see him frustrating

"Nothing" I say and sit beside him on the bed

"So how?" He ask, eyes watching TV

"How what?"

"Did you guys having fun?" He change the channel at television

"Well kind of" I shrug


"We found our 'besties' " I say with annoying tone

"Well good for you then" he say

"Nothing good meeting her again" I roll my eyes


"First of all why you ask me like I'm your girlfriend that you taking care all the time? We are not that close why should I tell you?" I shrug and he just sigh

"I just trying to be nice" he headed to bathroom and change to something... Good? Yeah he is handsome

"Where are you going?" I ask

"Looking for another woman that I can talk to" he said

"Go then, but don't go back here" I huff

"You jealous? I thought you like it" he chuckle "you not hungry? Taehyung call me and ask if we want to join them to go for dinner"

"I'M STARVING OH GOD" I run to bathroom and change to something comfortable "LEEET GOOOO" I just can hear him chuckle



"Do you want anything more?" Jungkook ask to Ralu

"I'm good thanks" Ralu smile and Jungkook nodded

"How about you guys, need anything more?" Jungkook ask to others

"I think we're good" Sharlene say Jungkook once again nodded and walk away to take order

"So you pregnant?" Taehyung ask to Y/N make Y/N choke on her saliva

"not me you idiot, it's Easther" Y/N scoff and other just laugh

"Yeah it's me" Easther exitedly say

"Awhh we are so happy for you two" Sharlene say and Jin nodded

"Thanks guys" Hoseok give us warm smile

"I thought Yoongi hyung is gonna have a baby first" Jimin chuckle make Aira scoff

"I worked really hard ya know" Yoongi make the annoying face and Aira just choke on her saliva, never thought that was coming ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"We also work hard but, Hoseok get the baby first" Jin say make Sharlene looking down shyly

"Yahh you don't need to tell everyone" Sharlene scoff and we all laugh until Jungkook arrive with our food

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