The Prisoner of Askaban

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     I replied, "Oh thank merlin, I was wo....."

     Ron interrupted me, "Behind you, behind you, he's an animagius."

      I turned to my right and behind me, in the corner, was a scraggly man in a prison uniform. Behind me was Sirius Black.

Rebecca PoV

Draco turned and stood in front of me and yelled, "If you try to touch her I'll kill you with whatever it takes.

 Looked into the eyes of the man who had betrayed my parents.

I shouted, "Expelliriamus," and the wand in his hand flew out.

        I walked to him with my wand in my hand and put my wand to his neck and he laughed, "Are you going to kill me Rebecca?"

        "For what you did, you'll wish you were dead by the time I'm through with you," I replied sadistically.

       Harry marched over with his wand in hand in shoved him in to the wall and said, "How dare you laugh at my sister when you know full well what she's capable of. I would never pit my sister against anyone except the ones who made it where we don't live with our parents or why they don't get to see us grow up. Rebecca, continue."

        I backed up, shaking, and yelled, "You're going to die for what you did."

        I pointed my wand at him and started, "Avad---" when busting through the door was Professor Lupin who stopped me mid spell.

        With fury in my eyes, I looked at Lupin and growled, "Professor, stay out of my way, I'm going to do this. He killed my parents, your friends."

         I went to finish him off when Draco pulled me back around and Lupin replied, "No, I thought he killed your parents and I hated him for it but he didn't betray them, but somebody else did."

        Draco grabbed my hand and whispered, "Let them explain and if it isn't a good one kill Black."

        Harry yelled, "Who supposedly did betray our parents?"

        "Peter Pettigrew," replied Black.

         "It couldn't be he's been dead for 12 years," I replied.

          "I thought so too, until on the Marauder's Map it mentioned his name," replied Lupin.

         Harry yelled, "The map was lying Pettigrews dead."

          "The map never lies," crazed Black when yet again the door was busted by none other than my godfather.

           Severus teased, "I told Professor  Dumbledore that you had been helping an old friend to get into the inside of the castle."

           They argued until Harry shot Severus with a spell which caused him to pass out.

            "Harry?!?!" I yelled, "He could have helped and you wonder why he doesn't like you."

            "Tell me about Pettigrew," commanded Harry.

            Lupin replied, "Your parents needed a secretkeeper for their house and only they knew that person knew the password. We thought Sirius had been the secret keeper but they changed over to Peter thinking he wouldn't be as obvious. Peter was really spying on your parents and reporting to Voldemort and when the time came Voldemort came and killed them."

         I questioned, "No that isn't possible. What about what happened in the street. he killed 13 muggles."

          Black responded, "Pettigrew, your father and I are animagi so when I cornered him he blasted his pinky off, blasted the street and became a rat and left me to take the blame. We can prove it too if the boy in the corner would give me his rat."

         Ron asked, "What are you going to do with him?"

         Lupin replied, "If he isn't Pettigrew, nothing will happen."

         The rat jumped from Ron's arms around the room to avoid being blasted until finally Black hit him and he turned into ratfaced man.

         The man turned around and smiled, "Remus, Sirius, my friends."

          Black looked back at Pettigrew glaring, "No friend of mine."

          Lupin yelled, "You sold Lily and James to Voldemort."

          Pettigrew sobbed, "I didn't mean to. You don't understand, the dark lord is top powerful, you have to believe me."

          Black growled, "I would have died before giving them up."

          Pettigrew rushed to Harry and I, "Oh Harry, Rebecca, you look just like your mother and father. You both have Lily's eyes."

          Sirius growled, "Don't you talk about their parents to them."

          Pettigrew raced to Nicole and begged, "Your mother always liked me, Nicole. Your father is lying to you. Your father killed the Potters not me."

          Nicole's eyes widened, "What do you mean my father killed the Potters? I never knew my father, he died.  Are you saying Mr. Black is my father?"

         Pettigrew continued on until Nicole bellowed, "Are you saying he is my father?"

         Sirius nodded and whispered, as I pinned Pettigrew to a wall while he blubbered to Draco about him knowing his father, "Thanks to Pettigrew, I was thrown into prison when my daughter was a year old."

          "If you knew, why is my name Nicole Fitzpatrick."

         "It isn't," he replied, "Your name is Geminora Nicole Black and I am your father and your mother was Sarah Fitzpatrick, and Peter killed her when she came to help me but staged her to look like she was a muggle. You were adopted and rechristened, Nicole, by your aunt and she raised you alongside her daughter."

        "You mean my auntie Sarah, the one my mom I mean my aunt would never talk about was my mother. Please don't be lying."

         "I'm not, Gem---Nicole."


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