Those Three Words

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Rebecca PoV
We walked into mine and Harry's bedroom and closed the door. I sat own on the bed and said, "When did you get your memories back?"
He looked at me, "I got them back gradually throughout the summer after the day at King's Cross. Honestly, they started coming back after we spoke there last."
"Did you say, "Bye, Ginger?" when I last saw you?" I questioned.
"Yes," he replied.
I almost cried, "Why didn't you send me an owl or tell me you remembered me?"
"I didn't want to overwhelm you. You were so broken up after my memory went away that I wanted you to have some time to come to terms with it so when you saw me next if I didn't remember something you wouldn't be so upset."
I yelled, "I wouldn't ever be able to come to terms with it. I love you and I would have been happy even just knowing that you remembered even a small memory of me."
Draco stared at me and I realized what I had said.
I started freaking out and rambled, "This can't be happening. You already kissed me and I told you I loved you. I'm only thirteen. I'm to young to be in love."
Draco took my hand and turned me around, looking me in the eyes, "You aren't too young to be in love. What is too young is when I fell for you two years ago in Flourish and Blotts where a little girl convinced me, rather quickly, that muggleborns were not the dirt I believed them to be but just people who were a little different. That is too young."
I replied, "What do you mean, Draco?"
He looked me in the eyes and said, "I love you, Rebecca."
Then, I kissed him.
The door opened and we broke apart. We looked and saw the twins and Harry. The twins had their eyes covered obnoxiously and Harry was glaring at Draco.
Harry snapped, "Watch it Malfoy. I let you ask her out but I'm not saying I'm good with you making out with my sister in a room by yourself."
The twins acted, "Oh, my eyes. I've seen too much."
I yelled at my brother, "Oi, Potter! Get out!"
The three of them left, leaving it open, and I turned to Draco, "Now, what is this about asking me out, lover boy?"
He smirked and got on one knee and asked dramatically, "Will you, my best friend, my most ambitious Slytherin friend," he pulled out a chocolate frog (my favorite candy) and continued, "Go on a date with me?"
I smiled, took the candy, and replied, "Of course------not."
Draco initially smiled but his face dropped, "Oh, I understand. It was too soon I guess."
I smirked, "You are so gullible. Of course, I'll go on a date with you."
He pouted, "That was uncalled for. I'm going to have to punish you now."
He lifted me up as I flailed and threw me over his shoulder.
I yelled, "Draco Lucius Malfoy put me down this instant."
He flopped me down on my bed and I sat up and punched his arm. I stood up.
"So, when is this date happening, Mr. Malfoy?"
He laughed, "How about tomorrow afternoon, around 3, Miss Potter? As long as your brother allows you to leave."
I smiled and stuck out my hand, "I believe that is a good deal."
He shook my hand, "Always a pleasure, Miss Potter."
I curtsied, "As to you, Mr Malfoy."
He left and I went downstairs to my friends. I couldn't wait for tomorrow evening.

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