Fits and Giggles

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The man in the yellow did not stop. He simply couldn't, all because of the laughing. It was all he heard in his dreams and waking state. The echoes of incidents long since past, of a even darker and more torturous path. He simply  sighed and kept on his way, silently marking a few in passing.

Little did they know that he was in for some fun. He smiled and waved until it was all said and done. But again, the laughing and the laughing he heard it and prayed. Wishing that there would be none when he rose for the sun.

He snickered and chuckled as he laid on the ground. Already knowing that they would be back for more, each for his flesh, all weighing a pound. It hurt and it burned but never the less it would never make him remiss. 

He thinks back to the day when it all went wrong, the day he first had a feeling that said day, would be long. But that's a tale for another time, because if you guess where it's going. You're most likely wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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