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The things that run though our minds faster than a steel blade. They are a cold blade that is sharper than the cleanest ever forged. More deadly them any known material this gorgeous planet has ever produced but also more toxic than any poison ever concocted. The thoughts that run through a man's head are different from those that cross his heart. But these thoughts that cross our mind are not always aligned with what are in our hearts, men can say they are all strong but they lie. A true man who is strong says what is in his heart and mind, no matter what it is. My father once said to me that I may never be a real man if I say what I truly feel, he said "Son, a real man is quiet and angry." So I said back to him, "If I want to speak my mind then I'll sacrifice not being the man that you think you are." So I carry with me a lesson of being myself and knowing who and what I am. I am my own definition of man, I am who I want to be, I am who others need me to be.

I am my own thoughts.

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