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Elena gripped Aryas arms tightly as she hid her from the fate of her father. The silence descended into chaos and Elena grabbed the young Stark girl into the arms of one of Ned Starks most trusted men.
"Get her to the wall!" She snaps and Arya turns wanting to stay with the bravest person she knew. The dry sun beat onto Elenas neck and she felt the sweat drip down her face as she stormed towards the stage. As she stared at the supposed king she felt her grief for Robert and Ned well up.
"You stupid stupid child!" She snapped angrily. The hound pushed her back and shook his head. The pair shared an angered gaze before turning and leaving the kingdom to fall into pieces.
"I'm going to find the Starks!" She snapped and the hound laughed. His scars twitched drying out in the heat and he watched as the young girl tightened her sword at her hip and headed towards the stables.
"Lannister?" He calls and she turns ready to argue this out with him. Shock filled her as he threw her his flask.
"You give it back next time we cross paths little cub!" He warns and she smiles and nods hurrying away to the horses. He silently looked up to the sky and asked the gods to keep her safe.

Robb Stark took his sword to the tree and his mother held in her broken heart to remain strong for her child. He screamed out in anger and threw his sword into the dirt. Catlyn held his hand and he realised she needed him to be strong for her.
"Is that?" She trails off and the pair watch as the familiar golden locks and red cloak of the youngest Lannister headed towards the Stark camp. Robb and his mother rushed to the camp edge and watched as she rode hard over the hills. Robb pulled his sword and his mother placed her hand over his.
"She's not here for that Robb," She warms and he nods and watches as she halts the horse and jumps off. Without hesitation she unbelts her sword and threw it at Robbs feet.
"A sword, made for me by your fathers blacksmith!" She explains and he picks it up and holds it out to her.
"Why are you here?" He asks bluntly and she takes her sword back, holding close to her the link it gave her to Arya.
"I know my father and I know he will try and destroy the army you have built up here," She explains and he raises an eyebrow and his mother nods once. The pair nod to Elena to rise and she sighs with relief. They head into a tall tent in the middle of the camp and Elena smiles gratefully as they hand her a hot bowl of soup. The three sit quietly and Elena feels her guilt for leaving Arya and Sansa build up.
"Sansa has the hound and Tyrion, they won't let anyone harm the girl, Arya is with one of your fathers men heading up to the wall to Jon Snow," She answers and Cat seems visibly tense at the mention of her daughters. The soup warms Elenas hands and belly making her slightly more comfortable as she sits feeling like a prisoner in this camp. A commotion outside of the tent alerted both Robb and Elena to grab their swords. The pair exited the tent and Robb felt a level of trust for the Lannister. She knew she would have his back and just hoped he would have hers.

Jamie became wet and cold very quickly as he was pushed into the ground in front the Starks. His hurt came from his sister standing next to them. His own blood.
"Never through it would be you to betray us Elena," He snapped and she laughed and rolled her eyes. He realised that although she was younger than him, she had the wisdom of everything that her older siblings had taught her. Robb watched the siblings interact and his mother observed Elena.
"How many men does Father have?" Elena asked and Jamie shook his head.
"Elena don't be a dick father won't hesitate even if it's you!" He snaps and she shakes her head and nods.
"In other words he has less than you," Elena offered and Jamie felt his anger at his sister rise.
"I taught you everything and I've tried my best to protect you and now you're holding me in the dirt for the Starks to do with me as they please?" He snaps and Catlyn nods to her men as they pull him out of the mud. The wind blew and Robb watched as her hair flicked back and her true beauty and strength shone through her.

Jon wiped his tears quickly as he read the scribbles on the paper notifying of his fathers execution. His sisters and brothers were alone and no had no protection from Ned. He wondered of Arya and Sansa under Elenas wings. He prayed she would be kept safe and that the girls would grow with her. He took some ink and paper and wrote to the youngest Lannister.

How are my sisters? I'd offer to bring them to wall if you can. Stay here yourself and be safe from your sisters wrath. I'm sorry for everything you're going through. Look after Lady Stark and Robb also for me. Don't let me know of your location it could be intercepted.

Elena stares at Jamie in the cage and handed him some warm soup and a new blanket. She loved him and he knew it. He stared as Robb offered her a new dark coloured fur coat. She accepted graciously and he looked her up and down before smiling and whispering in her ear. Jamie watched angrily as his sister laughed and lingered her arm on the young wolfs arm for a couple of seconds.
"Thank you, my King!" She smiles and Robb laughs as his mother watches the pair. He lifted Elenas chin and watched as her eyes lit up and stared into his.
"What? Are you going to carry a young wolf cub Elena?" Jamie snapped and Robb laughs and shakes his head.
"It's my brother Jon who would have your sisters hand, I have my wife!" He snaps and kicks he cage before walking past. Elena looks down and wipes a single tear as the guilt of her brothers circumstances crushes her. He watched and sighed realising she was only trying to do the right thing. He realised their journeys were very different.

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