Unveiled secrets

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Elena awoke and stared at her view from her bedroom. Bright blue sea's and clear open skies. She listened as the waves crashed against the shoreline and she felt the warmth entering her room. Slowly she rose out of bed and dressed herself into her usual leather trousers and plain shirt. Glinting in the sunlight sat her sword, made for her by the Starks blacksmith with her own families motto engraved onto it.
"Hear me roar," She whispered and stared out into the horizon hoping somehow that someone would hear her words. Her tiny whispers floated away on the wind and she was left with silence.

Jon realised he was very very wrong about the life he assumed he would have at Castle Black. His bastard name was not the advantage he thought it would be, everyone had a problem with him. He sighed as he pulled on his cloak and felt a whisper in his ear.
"Hear me roar," he heard and turned swearing he heard the youngest Lannister. A cold wind blew through his curls and he looked around the empty grey room he had been given.
"Elena?" He whispers back feeling stupid. Shaking his head he concluded he must of imagined the whole thing.

"Lannister?" A gruff voice snapped and Elena turned to see the hound holding her flask. She smiled as he sighed. He kept her in a little soft spot but he still didn't understand why. She took her flask back and nodded surprised at the weight.
"You refilled it?" She asks and he nods and coughs.
"Have you heard the news little cub?" He asks and she raises an eyebrow.
"News?" She asks and a silence descends between them as she notices the palace staff listening intently. The hound noticed it too and he sighed and shook his head nodding towards the gardens. Elena followed him taking a deep gulp of her flask and shocked it was actually wine. They took a seat on the bench and Ned Stark watched the pair carefully from the balcony.
"Your brother Tyrion is accused of pushing Bran from the window and then sending an assassin to Winterfell," He states and she shakes her head feeling her fingertips tingle and turn cold. Her eyes clouded over again and she felt herself standing in the abandoned tower in Winterfell. She watched Jamie plough into Cersie with a disgust she had never felt. Brans little head popped up into the window and she watched as Jamie pushed him out of the window. She opened her eyes to see the hound drinking from the flask as she lay on the floor.
"You have your mothers gift?" He asks and she nods and sits up.
"All those dreams I had as a child I thought it was just stories.." She trails off and he passes her the flask back.
"Where's Jamie?" She asks as innocently as possible and the hound points to the throne room. She stands and walks to the door knocking softly.
"Enter?" The King states and she walks in to a smile off of Robert.
"We're going on a hunt soon, would you like to come?" He asks and she shakes her head.
"Probably should wait until after your tournament your majesty!" She advises and he nods.
"Jamie can I have a word with you?" She asks softly and he nods and they walk into the garden. The hound leaves and notices Ned Stark and smiles. The pair stand and watch Elena and Jamie.
"You did it!" She whispers angrily and he feels his face crease angrily.
"Did what?" He whispers back and she shoves him angrily.
"Tried to kill the Stark boy!" She snaps and he sighs and nods.
"For Cersie! You don't understand Elena!" He snaps back and she takes a swing and catches the right side of his jaw.
"I'm telling the king!" She snaps and he grabs her pulling her back. The hound tenses as he watches Elena reach for her sword.
"Don't!" Jamie warns and she laughs.
"You think you scare me? One day you'll loose everything!" She snaps and he wonders what she had seen in her visions. He adored both of his sisters and he pulled Elena into his chest as his heart broke at the thought of choosing between them.
"I'm sorry Elena!" He begs to her and she sighs remembering everything he had ever done for her.
"You make it so hard Jamie!" She snaps and he nods and kisses her head before walking away. Ned watched as Elena wiped a tear from her face.

Arya watched as Syrio and Elena kept each other at bay for what seemed like an eternity and both eventually laughed and stopped.
"See Arya you have to want it! To be the best you have to want it!" Elena explains and Syrio nods. He smiled at the young girl and she looked over the balcony to see Ned Stark with a hooded woman. She watched as Jamie surrounded him with Lannister men and felt her heart drop. She dropped the wooden sword and turned to run.
"Don't let her look out that window Syrio! Please!" Elena whispers and Syrio nods at the pleading in her eyes. Footsteps echoed off of the walls as she ran down the stairs her sword at her hip.
"Jamie do not do this!" She whispered pleading to herself for her brother to stop his vicious attack.

Jamie watched as the Stark men and his own battles to their grizzly ends. He raised his sword as a whisper tickled his ears. He turned and saw Elena bolting through the door. A loud yell halted them both as their attention turned to a young soldier stabbing Ned through the leg with a spear.
"You fool!" Elena snapped and Jamie turned to his little sister. She had suddenly grown up.
"You've started a war Jamie! Robb and Catlyn will come for you! For us all!" She snaps angrily. He watched as her tanned cheeks turned rosy with anger and her usually large green eyes became slits. Ned stared at the young girl and wondered whose side she really belonged too, if any.

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