An Unexpected Visit from George's Ex

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"Lex, I already told you!" George raised his voice. Right when the front door to their apartment had shut after Madison had left, Alex had begun to bombard his boyfriend with millions of questions! Like "What were you two talking about?" or "Are you breaking up with me?!" Gosh! He was getting on George's nerves. "No, I'm not breaking up with you. I love you way too much to do that." At that sentence, Alex grinned and finally stopped asking questions. Finally! "And no, he's not threatening us or anything like that. He just wanted to say that he was sorry for how Jefferson acted." He partly lied.

Alex looked at George a little skeptically for a brief moment before gently smiling and sat next to the brunette who sat on the couch. He intertwined their fingers and kissed George on the cheek, then laying his head on his shoulder.

George giggled at how childish the small immigrant acted sometimes. That was one of the many reasons why he loved him so dearly.

"Whaaaat?" Alex whined, looking up at his brunette boyfriend. George shook his head, still giggling. "George! What's so funny?!"

"Nothing!" He giggled. "You're just cute when you act so childish, that's all." At this statement, Alex's face flushes red and he crossed his arms and turns his upper body to look away from the man who sat next to him.

"How am I cute? I'm not cute. I have no idea of what you're talking about." Alex mumbles partly to himself. George rolls his eyes with a smile as Alex pouted "silently".

"Yeah, sure you aren't." He teased, earning a small, playful glare from Mr. Not-Cute.George continued to tease the other when suddenly there had came a knock to the front door. Alex's head immediately looked up and to the front door as if he was a startled puppy after someone knocking on the door. He glared, clearly upset that Madison might be back, or if it might be Jefferson this time. He stood from the couch and head over to the door. George had quickly followed to make sure Alex wouldn't attack he person on the other side of the door. He swiftly gone in front of him at the last moment to open the door himself. George gave him an apologetic look before turning the knob and pulling the door open.

But before George could even say a thing, he was tackled into a hug by a boy with ginger hair. "George!" Exclaimed the unfamiliar boy that Alex had never met before in his life. At first, the british brunette was a little confused until he had seen the gingerette's face. His lips formed into a smile andhe hugged the boy back.

"Samuel!" He exclaimed back in surprise and a bit of delight. Alex, who was suddenly frogotten about, looked between George and the one named Samuel out fo pure confusion. And deep down, he could feel a little bit of pain in his heart for some reason... Shaking away his thoughts, he continued to watch the two and see how things played out, and waiting to see how long he would be ignored for. But George wouldn't forget about him, right? Right. And, to be honest, Alex was glad that George and Samuel's hopefully-friendly-hug only took one quick moment.

To Alexander, it seemed as if George once knew this Samuel guy. Like... really knew him as if they were really close once. He could tell that he himself was frowning as he watched things happen right in front of his very eyes. Possible betrayal and heartbreak.

"Fancy seeing you here! What has it been? Like... two years?" George sort of asked the gingerette, resting his hands on his own hips.

Samuel grinned and nodded as he replied, "Two years, yes. I mean, look at you! You seem... taller, like always!" he giggled. Out of the corner of his eye, Smauel finally notices Alex and he smiles apologetically. "Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying any attention to my surroundings. My name is Samuel Seabury, George's ex-boyfriend. And you are?" He kindly held his hand out to him.

After a bit of hesitation, Alex finally takes Samuel's hand and shakes it. He softly smiled at Samuel for finally noticing his existence. "Alexander Hamilton, George's boyfriend." And to Alex's surprise, Samuel's eyes widened as well as his smile.

"Oh, how fun! George, why didn't you say sooner you had gotten a new boyfriend? He's cute!" Samuel exclaimed. Alex blushes at his compliment, flustered as well as shocked of how he acted. Both alex and George exchange surprised and confused looks before turning to look back at the gingerette. He blushes from embarrassment and chuckled a little nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm terribly sorry, I shouldn't have said that. W-what I really mean to ask is: how long have you both been together?" He supposedly corrected himself.

Now this was a little easier for Alex and George to answer to. "We've been together for nearly two and a half months." Replied George as he wrapped his arms around Alex's shoulder and laid his head on top of his with a small smile. Alex lightly blushes and softly smiles, leaning into George slightly.

As for Samuel, he smiles at the two. And what Alex could see in his eyes seemed to be of... pride? Happiness? Happy and proud for what? This was beginning to bug Alex a little. "I'm glad to hear that," he says. It had gone silent between the three of them before Samuel unexpectedly shouted, "Oh!" Making Alex jump into George's aroms and causing the both fo them to fall to the floor. "Oh dear, I am very sorry!" Samuel frantically helped the boys up from off the floor. "It's that I just remembered why I really came here." He explained. "I was wondering if the both of you would join me in going to a party next Saturday evening."

George slightly furrows his brows. "But I thought you didn't like going to parties." He wonders out of confusion. Alex seemed to be confused as well as mainly to what was going on at the moment. But then again, these two are ex-boyfriends, meaning they did used to be a couple, doing things and knowing things about each other.

"Meh," he shrugs. "I was convinced into going. Plus, I'm also going because the hostess of the party is someone that I know well."

"Who's the hostess?" Alex asked, finally deciding to join in on the conversation instead of stand to the side. He was beginning to feel uncomfortable about being quiet, anyway. And he was not the type of person to be quiet.

"Maria Reynolds."

"Who's she?"

Samel wasabout to speak again to answer alex's question, but George had beat him to it. "I know who she is. I met her that night when you got lost. she's the one who helped me find you." He explained to Alex. Alex blushed slightly out of embarrassment, remembering that one night. He knew he shouldn't have gone out that night. be he just had to, didn't he? George lightly chuckled and kissed him on the forehead.

Samuel smiles and continues. "So? You guys going or not?" He asks, looking at sounding a little hopeful.

Alex then looks up at George and lightly shrugs. "I'm going only if you are."

George smiled and thought a moment before looking at Samuel with a nod. "Yeah, I'll go, too."

The gingerette begins to jump up in excitement, hugging the other two boys. "Splendid!" Alex tenses up a little when being hugged by Samuel, a person he didn't know much about. But to Alex's luck, Samuel didn't notice Alex tense up, releasing the two from his embrace. "I should be getting home now. And don't forget, the party will be next Saturday starting at eight-thirty p.m. Ta ta!" Ad with that, Samuel had gone out the door--shutting it behind him--and was gone.

A moment fo silence passes before the couple bursts into laughter. They both slid down the wall until they were sitting on the floor, out of breath, yet still laughing. Eventually they finally calm down to catch their breaths for a moment. They sat acrosss from each other in the hallway, staring into each other's eyes. The hall was not too small, but small enough for them almost having to lift up their knees up for their feet to be against the wall opposite of them.

Slowly, George and Alexander lean in until they could feel the other's steady breathing. Aand as George looked deep into Alex's hazel-brown eyes, he couldn't believe he actually found the love of his life. He raised a hand to Alex's cheek and softly kissed his lips. Alexkissed brack, wrapping his arms around George's shoulders. They pull away a moment later to catch their breaths. George smiles as he rests his forehead against Alexander's. "I love you," he softly sang.

Alex giggled and pecked George's lips. "I love you, too." He sang softly back before pulling George into another soft kiss. They pull away once more and get up and out of the hallway, both boys collapsing on the couch and turning on the TV. They turned on a random movie from Netflix that they both had decided on and cuddled up next to each other. Every now and then, they exchanged kisses. At about halfway through the movie, the couple were already asleep, sleeping peacefully next to one another.

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