The Airplane Trip to London

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One Saturday evening, Alexander Hamilton was in his room and "working" at his desk once again. He just couldn't help but think that he was running out of time. 

Recently, Alex and his friends (John Laurens, Lafayette and Hercules Mulligan) had graduated from Princeton College. After their celebration party, they all had to part ways. John to Carolina with his girlfriend, Peggy Schuyler, and her family; Herc to stay in New York for his tailors apprenticeship; leaving Laf to live with Alexander. 

Lafayette did not know yet what he wanted to do after college was over, so he decided to stay behind to help Alexander with work and other things if possible. Alexander was alright with this arrangement and let Laf stay with him. 

It has already been three weeks after graduation and Alex has been barely getting enough sleep. As usual. Laf sat on the couch in the living room, watching TV. Although, he wasn't paying much attention to the TV. His attention was on what he should do to get Alexander take a break. He thought and thought as he sat there. After moments of thinking, Laf finally found out what to do to take Alex away from his work.

His face brightened as he ran to Alexander's room. "Alex, mon ami!" he yelled, making the Caribbean jump in surprise.

"Jeez, Laf! Don't need to scare me to death." He said, ending his sentence with a chuckle. Alex stopped typing on his computer and looked up at the tall Frenchman. "Now, what's with all the loud shouting?" He asked with a smile. He propped his elbow up on the desk and rested his chin in the palm of his hand to show that he was listening.

Lafayette tried to keep his cool, but couldn't. He lightly jumped up and down, a big grin displayed on his lips. "Pack your bags, mon ami! We leave to London, tonight!" He yelled once again, making Alex cover his ears. Laf then ran out of Alex's room and into his own.

It took Alex a moment to process what Laf had just said. Not too long after, his eyes widen. He gets out of his chair and speeds into the other male's room. "Wait, what?! Why are we going to London? Why tonight?" He bombarded him with questions.

Laf didn't turn to look at Alex. He just kept going back and forth in his room, grabbing things here and there. "Because, Alexander. You need a break from working. You've been doing too much of that. And the sooner we leave, the sooner you get to relax, mon petit lion." Lafayette smirked proudly. 

Alexander just sighs and rolls his eyes. He slumps his shoulders in defeat. "Fine, whatever." He said as if he was a moody teenager. He crosses his arms as he walks back into his room to begin packing.


"Alexander Hamilton!!! You are coming on this plane, now!" Lafayette called to him as if he was his mother.

"No! There is no way that I am going on that thing." Alex stated and crossed his arms.

Laf rolls his eyes. "C'mon, mon ami. What's the matter with going on a plane?" He asks, a bit more calmer than before.

Alex avoids eye contact with him. "It's just-" he sighs, "I'm scared of planes." He mumbles, hoping Laf didn't hear. But, of course, Laf did hear what he said. He smiles.

"Come on, mon petit lion. I'll hold your hand when we take off." He smirks and begins making his way down the tunnel-like structure that lead to the inside of the plane. Alexander blushes and rushes after him with his bags in hand. 

The two put their luggage in the compartments above them and take their seats. It took a few more minutes of people getting on the plane and taking their seats before the intercom came on. "Hello, this is your Captain speaking. The plane will now be taking off. Please make sure to have everything situated before and enjoy the flight." After the announcement, Alexander could feel the plane starting to move. He tenses and Lafayette realized this. He smirks and puts a hand on Alex's. This made him calm down. He looks at Laf, his cheeks dusted pink. Laf just chuckles and opens up a book he had in his hands and begins reading. Alex just turns away and peeks out the window, only to see that they're already in the sky, now. He looks away from the window as well and just looks up at the ceiling. As he stared up at the roof above him, he kept thinking how it would go in London, England. He heard that it was a beautiful place there, but didn't really pay attention to what others said about the place. He did used to wonder himself what he would think of London if he ever went. And now, this is the moment. The moment where he actually does go to England and see for himself of what it's like there. 

He yawns, his eyes growing heavy by the second. He continues to look up at the roof until darkness consumes him, pulling him into a deep, dreamless sleep.


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