Everything was Perfect Until...

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For the past two weeks that Alexander has been in London, everything was just- how do you say it? Perfect? Amazing? Anyway, he loved being there. He loved being with George. After about three days of being with him, Alex decided to move in with George. In fact, George had a spare room for him to move into. Alex made sure to pay the small rent (considering he didn't stay there for much long) on the house before moving in.

Every few nights, Alex would go in George's room and sleep with him whenever he has a bad dream or if it starts to rain. Whenever he is around George, he feels safe and happy. sometimes, he would think to himself that he didn't even deserve this.

It was just an ordinary Friday afternoon and Alexander was on the phone with Lafayette. What, you thought that we would just suddenly forget about Laf?

"Mon ami! How are you?! What did you do while muoi was gone?! Êtes-vous déjà tombé amoureux?!" Laf yelled from the other line.

Alexander chuckles. "Laf, calm down. First of all, I'm doing alright. Second, I didn't do much but hang with George and take walks around the park. I even got a job at a coffee shop nearby. But I don't work too hard." He quickly added. Laf sighed in relief. "And third, I didn't fall in love with anyone." He finished. So what if he doesn't tell Lafayette he's in a relationship with George? You know how Laf is when one of his friends gets into a relationship. Alex just didn't feel like telling him just yet.

"Eventually you will, Mon petit lion. It's just the way of life." Alex could hear the smirk in Laf's voice.

He rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Anyway, I gotta go now. I need to be at the cafe." He adds, looking at the clock on the bedside table.

Lad sighs. "Alright, Mon ami. I'll talk to you another time. Au revoir, Alex." Laf says a bit sadly. Alex takes the phone away from his hear and hangs up. He heads downstairs and starts to get his shoes and jacket on... But where was his jacket?

He looks around in confusion, walking down the hallway, and into the kitchen. "Hey, Goerge? Have you seen m- AHHH!" He helps in surprise as he's tackled into a hug from behind.

"Boo!" George shouts out, giggling lightly. "Why are you so easy to scare?" He let's go of Alex and hands him his jacket.

Alex smiles, rolling his eyes. "Ha ha, very funny, Georgy." He chuckles and takes his jacket from George's hand. "Why are you always so frightening?" He says as he starts to put the jacket on.

George lightly gasps dramatically. "I have you know, Lexi Lexington, that I am not frightening. I'm fun." He says, pretending to sound hurt.

Alex just sighs and softly smiles. "Anyways, are you ready to leave yet?" He raises a brow in questioning.
George shakes his head, walking into the hallway and putting his jacket on. "Now I'm ready."

Alexander giggles and walks out the door with his boyfriend, locking the front door behind him, and continuing walking down the street with him. "You're such and idiot."

George playfully glares down at Alex. "Again with the mean comments. Why?" He jokes and lightly nudges Alex in the arm with his elbow.

Alex does the same thing back to him, and this continues for the rest of their walk.


Alex and George are now at the cafe and doing their jobs. It went normal as any other day at work until Alex goes to the front counter to take orders, and sees someone he recognizes right in front of him. Thomas Jefferson.

Oh gosh, no. Alexander couldn't deal with him. Not when he was having a great time with George... And wasn't he supposed to be in the hospital?!

They both just stared at each other for a minute until Alexander looks away. "What would you like today?" He says through gritted teeth.

"A latte." Jefferson says, not wanting to say "please" to his enemy.

"Got it." Alexander mutters, walking away from the counter. Jefferson took this as a chance for him to walk away and sit far away. Before fully going to the back to get Jefferson's latte, Alex looks back and sees Jefferson sit with James Madison. He groans and just goes to get the latte.

After Alex got the coffee, he went up to the counter, cup in hand. "Order for Jeffershit?!" He calls out with a smirk, holding out the cup.

Jefferson lowly growls and glares at Alex as Madison sighs heavily, putting put his head in his hands. Jefferson gets up from his seat and marches to the front, snatching his latte from Alex, and marching back to his and Madison's table.

After his and George's shifts were over with, Alex immediately wanted to leave. "What's the hurry, Lex?" George asks him in worry.

He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "I'll explain later, okay? I just want to leave as quickly as-" Alex was cut off when Jefferson and Madison walk right up in front of them on the sidewalk.

Jefferson smirked. "Well who's this young man here, Hamilton? Your boyfriend?"

Alex lowly growled. "Yes, now could you leave us alone, Jefferson?!" He yelled. Then he just realized something. "Wait, I thought you were supposed to be in the hospital!" 

George puts a gentle hand on his shoulder, making him relax a bit. "Wait, what happened?" He asks Alex in confusion.

Jefferson went silent at this, an eyebrow raised. "You didn't hear from Lafayette that I got out of the hospital? Well, ouch." He says dramatically, making Madison sigh and roll his eyes lightly.

Jefferson then held his hand out to George. "I'm Thomas Jefferson, by the way. Hamilton and I both go to the same work back in America." He introduces himself. George looks down at his hand and doesn't shake it. Instead, he looks at Jefferson in a way of not wanting to become friends with him. Jefferson frowns at this and takes his hand away.

"Again with no one telling me anything." Alexander mumbles under his breath and groans. "Why do you have to come and ruin my break, though, Jeffershit?! I was doing fine until you came here." Alex begins yelling once more. 

Jefferson scoffs. "You're actually taking a break? Wow, look who's changed." He then crosses his arms in a sassy way. "I'm here for a vacation, too, Hamiltrash. And you're ruining my break!" He snaps back.

Madison grabs him by the arm. "Let's just go, Thomas. If you don't want this vacation ruined, then ignore him." He points out, beginning to pull him down the sidewalk. Jefferson grumbles underneath his breath as he follows Madison.

George looks at Alex with an expression if confusion. "You better explain to me everything about that guy." Alex just nods with a small sigh as he and George begin to walk down the sidewalk as well. What's strange, though, is that Madison and Jefferson are heading in the same direction Alex and George need to go.

After a bit of more walking, Alex and his goof of a boyfriend reach their shared place. He looks up and sees that the other two are just two houses away from them. "What the fuck?!" Alex shouts in disbelief.

George looks to where Alex is looking before sighing. "Come on, Lex. Let's just head inside and get something to eat. Then we can talk about it, okay?" He softly smiles.

Alex looks up at George, relaxing and smiling back. He nods and hugs George. "Thank you." He mumbles thankfully into his chest.

George then hugs back. "You're welcome." And with that, the couple head inside the apartment after a long day of working and small arguments.

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