Story Time! (SpitfireFam)

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Above: Ethan and Emily. This was a very poplar oneshot that I got a gazillion requests for a part 2 of... I haven't gotten to it yet.

Artemis paced around the living room, bouncing and shushing her screaming four month old daughter Emily with her son Ethan at her heels. "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!" He whined. "I want Daddy! I want Daddy!" The six year old was anxious. His daddy promised that he would play trains with Ethan when he got home from work, but it was 5:30 and Wally still wasn't home.

"I'm sorry, Baby," Artemis said, still trying to calm down Emily. "I can't magically make Daddy appear." 'Besides you lived without him for four years of your life. Wally just got back two years ago, you can live without him for a few hours.' She added in her head.

"It would be cool if you could, though!"

Artemis ruffled her son's dark red hair. "It would be cool! But I can't."


"Fine. Wally, be home with the groceries right now!" Artemis said jokingly.

But then the door flew open and Wally walked through. He set some grocery bags on the table. "I went shopping!"

Ethan giggled. "But you are magic, Mama!"

"What's this about?" Wally asked. Artemis explained, and Wally laughed. "It would seem that you do have magical powers, Arty. Hey, Emily!" He added for his baby, who cooed. Wally was her favorite, and she always stopped screaming for him.

"Can you take her while I make dinner?" Artemis asked.

"Of course I can!" He took Emily. "C'mon Ethan! Let's go watch PJ Masks!" Ethan jumped up and down at the thought of watching his favorite show. He and Wally plopped in front of the tv and watched while Arty made dinner for her family.

Wally watched the show with Ethan, who was perfecting his "ninja skills". He took karate and loved it. "Look, Daddy! Look, Emily!" Ethan declared, showing his dad and baby sister a roundhouse kick that his grandfather taught him. Lawrence had taken a liking to Ethan, and taught him some moves, without pressure of joining the Shadows. Artemis was jealous, but oh, well. At least they get along.

Ethan suddenly sped to the kitchen, getting there in a split second, having inherited his father's superspeed. "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, when's dinner?!"

"I'm a few minutes, Honey."

"Aw, man!" He ran back to the living room.

A few minutes later, Artemis called her family to dinner and they were at the table in a second- literally.

They ate. Then Ethan had to take a bath. Then it was finally time for him to go to bed.

"Tell me a bedtime story!" He said, laying in his race car bed. Emily was already asleep in her crib.

Wally and Artemis looked each other. "Ok, I've got one! One day, a superhero went to hang out with his friends. He had had to go to school-"

"Yuck!" Ethan cut in.

Wally laughed. "No kidding. Anyway, he had had to go to school when his friends went to the beach. He tried to hurry up and get there before they left, but when he got there, the adult superheroes were already there! He tripped and fell, dropping all of his beach stuff. There was a new superhero- a girl. She was pretty, but mean. She made fun of the superhero every chance that she got. That made the superhero mad, and he was mean back to her."

"That's not nice!" Ethan cried.

"No, it isn't," Artemis agreed. "Now let Daddy continue the story."

"Another superhero came and gave them a mission to protect a scientist from the bad guys. The superhero learned that the girl had saved him from a villain a not long before. He was still mad at her though, and so he didn't thank her. The lead villain came and she almost managed to kill the scientist before she was fought off. She came back later- with backup. The heroes tricked her. She left to find the scientist, and she was followed by the new girl. The superhero didn't see what happened, he was too busy taking out a bad guy. They met up with the girl after- the villain had gotten away."

"Oh no!" Ethan squealed.

"Oh no is right! But the other two bad guys were captured and put in prison. The superheroes went back to their base and then went home."

"What happened next?" Ethan asked excitedly. "Did they start getting along. What-"

"That will be a story for another night," Wally said, giving his son a kiss on his forehead. "Goodnight, Ethan!"

"Goodnight, Daddy!"

Artemis ruffled his hair and gave him a kiss. "Night, Eth."

"Night, Mẹ!"

Artemis flipped the light off and closed the door. Ethan went to sleep.

Words: 748

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