Basketball Games (BatFam)

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A/N: Not my best work, but I'm trying to get back into the writing groove, so please forgive that.

"And that's an "O", Cass!" Tim crowed as the basketball bounced off the rim.

Cassandra rolled her eyes before catching the rebound and throwing the ball back to him.

"Don't get too cocky, Tim." Barbara called from her spot on the porch. "You're on "R"!"

"What are you guys up to?" Dick asked, leaning down to give his girlfriend a kiss. Over on the court, Tim gagged and Cass stuck her finger down her throat.

"Tim challenged Cassie to a game of horse."

"Can Cass even play that?"

"Sure I can!" Cass signed indignantly.

"How do you spell "horse"?" Dick shot back.

She hesitated, but not wanting to loose this battle, tried anyway. "H... o... r... s?"

"You forgot the "e" at the end, sis."

She signed something that would offend a Karen if said Karen demanded a translation.

Barbara laughed. Tim wasn't pleased with his older brother's interference. "Why would you tell her that?! I was one letter closer to winning!"

"One letter away from losing, more like." Babs pointed out. Tim didn't need to say anything to make his displeasure clear this time. He shot, scoring.

"You see, this is exactly how I ended up out here." Barbara explained. "I figured Tim would try to exploit your poor sister."

Cass was pretty sure that Barbara was making a dig at her, but she wasn't entirely sure how. She really didn't like when people talked about her and she wasn't sure what about. Or if what was said even was an insult... She threw the ball towards the hoop anyway, smiling when it sailed through.

Tim grabbed the ball back, deciding to move on to something new. "Bet you can't do this trick shot, Cass!" He flipped backwards, throwing the ball midair. The ball bounced off the back of the hoop, barely missing his head.

"Looks like you can't either." Cass signed smugly after catching the stray ball with one hand.

As Tim was now 16, he decided to handle the situation like he figured any mature adult would. He stuck his tongue out at her, blowing a raspberry.

"That's "S", Tim! Aren't you glad you're playing with the real spelling?" Barbara called. Tim flipped her off.

"No wonder Bruce used to avoid playing this with me." Dick said, finally understanding his guardian's point.

"Speak of the devil," Barbara said as the front door opened.

"What are you kids up to?" Bruce asked. "Other than being loud."

"Tim and Cass are playing Horse." Dick pointed to the court.

"I hope they're less petty than you were."

At that exact moment, Cass scored the exact trick shot that Tim had just failed. "You get to try again!" She signed with mock enthusiasm. He snatched the ball out of her hand.

"I guess that answers my question." Their adoptive father said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Hey! Pause the game!" Dink suddenly yelled. "I've got a better idea!" His younger siblings looked over at him. "3v1! Us against Bruce!" The younger two cheered.

Bruce shook his head. "No, no, no. I did not agree to that."

"Please?" Cass asked, pouting, pulling off her best begging face. "Just to 5?"

"C'mon, Bruce! Please! It will only take like three minutes!" Tim added.

"Selina is going to be here to head to our date in fifteen minutes! And I'm already dressed!"

"Well, then, it's a good thing this will only take a third of that time!" Dick chimed in, dragging him down the steps towards the court.

"I'm not going to be a sweaty mess for my date!"

Cass shot Barbara a begging glance. "C'mon, Bruce." The redhead chimed in for her friend. "Being an awesome dad is super hot. Selina already thinks you're such a DILF!"

"A what?" Bruce asked, while Tim exclaimed at the same time, "NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN!"

Dick laughed and told Bruce, "You don't want to know."

"I'm starting!" Tim declared, dribbling down to Bruce's side of the court.

"Over here!" Dick put out his hands to catch the incoming ball.

"Oh, no you don't!" Bruce caught the ball and started running, sidestepping around Tim. Cass jumped up as he threw it, barely managing to get ahold of it before dribbling past him and throwing towards Tim.

Alfred come outside, trying to figure out where everyone was. "The children have convinced Master Bruce to have some playtime with them, I see."

"Sure have." Barbara responded. "That's a point for Bruce, guys!" Some colorful language showed the 3-player team's displeasure.

"Are they playing with the real rules, or is it just a point for every time they actually manage to make it into the hoop?"

"The latter." Her tone shifted. "C'mon, guys! It's already 2-0!"

Dick managed a slam dunk. "Oh yeah! 2-1, odds are evening!" He almost immediately had to eat his words as Bruce scored himself another point.

"How bad can we be at this?!" Tim was visibly distraught.

"Get traught, Tim! We gotta win this, for our dignity!"

Somehow, Cass managed to get the ball away from Bruce, scoring what would've been a 3-pointer in a normal game. Alas, it was not a normal game.

"3-2!" Barbara updated.

"Way to go, Cass!" The oldest of the kids cheered.

A car pulled up to the door while the players immersed in their game. "What on earth is going on here?" Selena asked, as she exited the vehicle.

"I'm afraid your boy toy got dragged into playing with his children, Miss Kyle." Alfred answered.

"They're almost done," Barbara promised. Suddenly, a lot of booing erupted from the court. "Bruce wins!" She announced. "And good thing too, his date has arrived."

Bruce walked over, apologizing. "In my defense, you are early."

"It's alright," Selena answered. "I suppose this is what I signed up for." She was a bit annoyed, but it was soothed by quick greetings from the young adults her boyfriend had just left. The greetings almost immediately turned into goodbyes as the couple slipped into Bruce's car.

"Dick! Don't let your brother and sister die while I'm gone!"

"Got it!"

Tim turned back to Cass. "Wanna finish our game of Horse?"

She smirked. "It was my turn." She grabbed the ball and the game continued. 

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