I tucked my hair behind my ears and moved inside the elevator as it came propping down. He followed me suit.

"So?" I asked facing him, "Last week of classes huh?"

"Yeah. I'll miss sitting next to you though" he said smiling. It was not so easy to not smile back at those cute dimples.

"Come on" I urged him out of the elevator. I was about to go inside when he pulled my hand and stopped me before I could reach the door.

I turned around querying. "Ishaani. I have something to tell you and I'd rather not do it here" he said as I bit my lip. There goes my carefree time with Chris.

"I have already invited you to my home. And I would really love if you could come over anytime. Will you?" He asked as I stood transfixed not knowing what to say.

"Chris... I" My voice snapped off hearing another voice at the same time.

"Don't you both classes to go to?" I jumped and dropped my books at his voice. I turned around to find him standing few feet from us. Chris picked up my books and handed it to me.

"Well come on Ish" he said and moved towards the door. I nodded my head but remained rooted to the spot looking at him.

He was wearing a black and white striped shirt with his hair sticking in all the perfect directions. But his face was not as devilishly handsome as I saw last night. He had a glare in his face that was directed right at me.

"I..." I started to say but he brushed past me without another glance. Great. Just great. What did I do for him to get angry like that? Then something dawned over me as Kath's words flooded my memory. Shit he's jealous. And me with Chris, just made his day, I guess.

The rest of the class passed in a blur and it was lunch already. I dragged my feet to the table where I usually sat with my friends. "Why the long face?" Shiva asked taking a bite at his bagel.

"Nothing. Just tired, I guess" I replied pushing away my tray of food. I am not feeling hungry neither happy enough to finish everything in this plate.

"Tired already? We still have a week to go before weekend" He laughed at my state.

I wiggled my tongue at him and dropped my head on the table. "What happened?" I heard Kath whisper next to me. I looked up to find Shiva talking to his friend from the baseball team.

"What do you think?" I said biting my lip.

"Did you guys have a fight again?" She asked blinking.

"Kath! We never even have normal conversations ever. It's either 'let's ravish each other' or 'let's kill each other'" I sighed thinking what kind of mess I got myself into. Is it really worth all this tension and hurt?

"Well that's love my dear" She said patting my shoulders.

"I think love is a strong word for that Kath" I don't know whether I would call this love. But I know I like him and I can't wait to spend the living minutes with him.

"Don't push it. You of all people should have a decent love story Ish. God if only I could talk some sense into him" She punched her arms as I laughed, definitely my mood relaxing.


The whole week passed without anymore accidents as i was keeping a low profile. I never looked up in his class and he never picked me out either. Finally it was friday before the weekend for exams. It was time for our last class, the one I was dreading all day. But I can't neglect it, can I?

I found my seat occupied by Chris and the nearby bench occupied by Ranveer as usual. I did a double take at my seating position. It does look like these two guys swooning over me. Maybe I do get him angry. Will I be okay if he sits with some glamorous blonde and dusky girl on either side? Definitely not!

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