Part 2

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Sanskar was running around the round long track in part that was near hotel.Park was almost dark because sun has not raised yet so there was no one except.he has habit of getting up very was exceptional that he was not able to sleep last because of continuous thoughts of swara.her non caring attitude toward him had hurt his ego a lot.he was not habitual of this kind of behavior.Girls were never problem for him.they used to throw themselves on was always his choice to select from them for his nights.yesterday he chosen swara because she was looking beautifully different from everyone.she was in party for short moment then she silently went to balcony but that short time,she had such affect on him that he approached her himself which he never did himself.

"f**k!...."sanskar cursed,remembering her giving no importance to him.he stops,bends over his knees and starts panting heavily.meanwhile he heard some footsteps running toward him.he raised his head and was dumbfound,seeing swara running toward him.she was wearing white tank top and black leggings and her hair were tied in high pony tail.he gulps hard,feeling his muscles stiffened after seeing her.

Her speed decreased a bit after seeing him but she moves her from him back to her track and increased speed.her gets angrily and grips her arm and pulled her in front of him as she tried to pass him.swara narrows her eyes at him then removes her hands-free from ears.

"what are you doing?..."swara asked in her calm yet annoyed tone.

"you dare to ignore me?..."he said in furious tone and grabs her from both arms and pulls her close to his chest.swara keeps hands on his toned chest to keeps distance between them

"didn't i make myself clear last night but if you are short wit then i can say it again....i am not interested in you mr.maheswari...."swara said in her usual plain tone and tried to push him back he holds her still.her voice was not mocking at all but still sanskar felt anger running through his veins.

"what do you think of yourself?..'sanskar said in low angry voice,moved his arms around her waist and pulled her very close to his face.swara's breath hitched as their lips almost touched,it was first time her heart skipped few beats when she was close to a man but she didn't let it show on her face and stared back in his eyes.swara was always good hiding her expressions.

Sanskar was surprised to level of shock that she didn't blink her eyes for once.she stared back in his eyes with full confidence.

"when are you planning to let me go?....i am sure you must have work today and i am also 20 minutes late in my schedule because of you."swara said,making sanskar looks at his black wrist watch then looks back at her.

"we will have another meeting very soon..."sanskar said,moving his face close to her.swara moves her face back but never moved her gaze from his eyes.he let her go and leaves from there.swara shook her head,put hands-free back on ears and continues her jogging.



"f**king bastards...."Sanskar muttered angrily and removes his tie,threw it on bed then removes his coat and throws it also  and loosens his first two buttons of his shirt and walks toward bedside table and picks up receiver and press one.

"send strong liquor to rooftop in 10 minutes..."sanskar ordered and was put receiver back when receptionist spoke hesitatingly.

"sir..rooftop is fully booked already .should i sent it to your room?"

"cancel the booking and pay them back double amount."sanskar said in stern voice and puts receiver back and walks toward his door.he was already pissed from morning and then he lost a very important deal which made him mad.he needed some fresh air to calm his nerves down and rooftop was best place which always helped him to calm down.

he came out of his room and walked toward lift.his apartment was second last from top therefore he reached rooftop in no he stepped on the rooftop,cold wind hit face,calming his anger down.he looked around,there was no one except empty tables and chairs.he walked toward edge of roof but stopped in mid seeing swara sitting on cornered table,lying against chair,head resting back on chair with closed eyes.

Sanskar looked down at her from top to bottom slowly.she was wearing pink mini dress which was above her knees.she had light natural pink make up while her hair were placed on her left shoulder.

she had light natural pink make up while her hair were placed on her left shoulder

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Sanskar felt sudden tension in his body.he closed his fists tightly then walks and sits opposite to her,without making noise.either she was sleeping or were in very deep thoughts.meanwhile hotel manager comes there.he worriedly comes toward them,put puts his favorite whisky on tables,fills one glass for him then moves toward to request to leave but sanskar stops him by raising his hand.he looks at sanskar confusingly.he signs him to leave.he nodes and leaves confusingly.sanskar picks up his glass and started drinking while staring at her face deeply.

there was something about her face that attracts him the most toward her.was it the unusual calmness or sadness? don't know how much time passed when swara's mobile beeped with message.swara opens her eyes and moves her hand to pick up mobile from table but gets straight after seeing sanskar,sitting just opposite to her.

"when did i allowed you to sit there?..."swara asked,in annoyed tone.

"actually your booking is cancelled and i am the one who had allowed you to sit there."sanskar said with smirk on his.he picks whisky bottle,fills his glass then offers swara.

"you didn't offered me yesterday but i can be you want?"he asked,taunting at her a little.swara looks in his eyes,he was dunk,there were lust mixed with some other emotion which swara didn't understand.

"i don't like whisky..."swara said,stood up and tried to walk away but she was pulled back with jerk.due to sudden forced,she turned and fell on sanskar's chest who was also standing.

"i like whisky because it makes me loose control on myself just like you are making me loose control right now."sanskar said in husky tone.he moves his hand to her back of her neck and kissed her passionately.

Swara pushes him back with both hands and he staggers back a little.maybe he was drunk therefore she was able to push him back.

swara stares at him angrily,he had manged to get a response from her which made her more angry because she never shows her inner emotions to anyone.

"you don't taste as good as thought you would..."sanskar said with evil smirk on his face.

"i had heard you only use those woman who throw themselves on you but you are more worse than i heard...f**k bastard."swara said angrily,turns and leaves.

Sanskar checks her out as she walked away and stands inside lift.they had a small eye-lock untill lift's door closed.sanskar turns and picks up bottle to fill his glass but it was empty.

"damn!..."sanskar muttered to himself,finding it empty.


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