Chapter 11

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Tails p.o.v.
We were on our way to Central City but we stop to get some lunch. I got some french fries, Sonic got chilly dogs, Amy got a hamburger, Cream got a spaghetti and Cheese got a 4 apples. "Chao! Chao!" Said Cheese happily "You really love apples don't you Cheese" said Cream. Cheese nodded happily "Well he is a Chao and Chao loves fruits" I said "I met a lot of Chao back when I was younger, I met different Chao" said Sonic "There's even a Sonic Chao" said Amy "Really? Wow! I wish I could meet all Chao" said Cream "I think there's a Chao Garden here" said Sonic "Can we go there please" said Cream "Sure! I don't see why not" said Sonic "Yay!" Said Cream happily. I smiled at her cuteness. Once we finish eating our lunch we went to our hotel. Sonic and I got one room and Amy, Cream and Cheese has there own room. "what should we do now?" I asked Sonic "Hmm well we could go to the Chao Garden but I think it's closed" said Sonic "Maybe we should asked the girls" I suggest. We went to the girls room and asked them where do they want to go. "Hmm I don't know? Maybe we can go to the Chao Garden" suggest Amy "Yes please" said Cream politely "Sure! What do you think Tails?" Sonic asked me "Sure, I haven't seen the Chao in a while well except for cheese" I said "Chao! Chao!" Said Cheese happily.

At the Chao Garden

We are at the Chao Garden. There were so many Chao. Some are playing, eating, and playing in the waters. "Wow! There are a lot of Chao here today" said Amy. "There all so cute" said Cream she then petted a flying Chao and Cheese was playing with the others Chao. Sonic and Amy went to get some fruits for the Chao. "Tails come here please and look" said Cream. I went over there "What is it?" I asked "look, at the three Chao" I look at the three Chao cuddle each other "That's adorable" I said. I wish Cream and I can do that. Sonic and Amy came back with some fruits for the Chao. We hand some to the Chao and Cheese since he still hungry. The Chao loves Cream and Cheese. The Chao made a heart around Cream and I. I blushed at there action "That is so cute! Right Sonic?" Asked Amy "It sure is" said Sonic. It was closing time and we went to our hotel. Sonic and Amy went to go get dinner while Cream, Cheese and I stay at the hotel. Then we heard a thunder I jump off the bed "Tails! Are you okay?!" Said Cream "Y-Yeah...I'm f-fine" I said. The problem was I'm afraid of Lightning and Thunder. Cream walk up to me and said "You okay?" She asked worry. I was shaking in fear "Yea-Yeah I'm fine" I said. Cheese came up to me "Chao! Chao!" "Tails...are you scared?" Cream asked. "Well...I uh" a thunder nosie came outside and I immediately hug Cream tightly. "T-Tails?" She said but I didn't say a word because I was so scared my whole body was shaking in fear. I felt Cream hugging me back I blush and she said "It's okay...Cheese and I are here... don't be afraid" "Chao. Chao" said Cheese. "Thank you Cream" I whisper. We stayed like this until the Thunder and Lighting stop.

Espio p.o.v.
I was at Nicole house to try to finish our project that was due after the school dance. "I think we are done, what do you think Espio?" Nicole asked me. I thought about it and nodded "Yeah, this looks done" I said. We done everything we took notes, what happened, and what were they are doing. "Good because I want to get this project done" said Nicole. I look at Nicole and I thought I could tell my feeling to her but I'm nervous. She look at me "Espio? You okay?" She asked me "Y-Yeah I'm fine. I just have this thought in mind" I said "What is it? Maybe I could help you with it" she said. I blush "W-Well I um..." I couldn't say anything. I took a deep breath and said "Nicole we've known each other for 5 years...and over those years...I started to have feeling for you...I was nervous to tell you my feeling towards you because...I thought it...might ruin our friendship..." I said. I look away from Nicole because maybe she wouldn't except my feeling. "Espio, look at me please" said Nicole I refuse to look at Nicole. She put her hand on my cheek and made me look at her. "Espio...I love you too...I've always has...I was scared to tell you my feeling towards you..." She said while blushing. I was blushing too. "Does this means that we are a couple?" I asked she nodded. Nicole lean closer soon I lean closer but we got stop by my phone. "Sorry I should take that" I said I grab my phone to see who called. Turns out it was Vector.

Espio: Hello Vector, you called?

Vector: Yeah I was wondering what time are you coming home?

Espio: Right now, I'll be home in 14 mins

Vector: Alright see you when you get back home

Soon I hang up. I look at Nicole "I should be going home now" I said to Nicole. She nodded and hand me my backpack. We went outside "I'll see you tomorrow Espio" said Nicole "Bye Nicole" I said. I was about to walk away but Nicole kiss me on the lips. I blush madly. She look at me and went back inside her house. I started to walk home.

I walk inside of the house and put my backpack down. Vector walk toward me "What took you so long?" He asked me "I lost track of time with the project" I lied because I don't want to tell Vector on what happened between Nicole and I. "Okay did you finish it?" Vector asked "Yeah, we're done" I said. Charmy came up to me and hugged me "Did you tell Nicole your feeling?" Asked Charmy "No not yet Charmy" I lied again. "Espio you've got to tell her how your feel or she might fall in love with somebody else" said Vector. "I know I just need some time" I lied once again. I want to tell them that I'm dating Nicole but I feel like I'm not ready to tell them. I'll tell them tomorrow or Charmy will figure it out. "Okay maybe you can tell her at the school" suggest Charmy. I smiled at the Bee "okay, I'm gonna go to my room" I said. I went to my room and pulled out my phone and text Nicole.

NinjaMaster: Hi Nicole I'm back home

PurpleLynx: okay. Did you tell Vector and Charmy about our relationship?

NinjaMaster: No not yet but tomorrow I'll tell them unless Charmy figures it out

PurpleLynx: Yeah, okay I should get going now. I love you Espio

NinjaMaster: I love you too Nicole. I'll see you tomorrow

PurpleLynx: Bye

I smiled at Nicole saying that she loves me. I can't wait to see her tomorrow.

To Be Continue...

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