❝ why did you help me? ❞

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▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔Xiaojun sits down on the couch, patting the seat beside him, signaling her to sit down beside him

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Xiaojun sits down on the couch, patting the seat beside him, signaling her to sit down beside him.

"So... what happened that made you do that?" He asks, his voice soft and gentle which Changri didn't want to trust.

"Step mother, horrible and tortured me." She said and Xiaojun nodded, not wanting to ask more since it can hurt her feelings and that's the last thing he wants.

"Well, you're good here, so I believe it's better for you to stay here." He gets up from his seat, heading to the kitchen.

"I'm not sure about that.." She says, her voice almost in a whisper, resulting to Xiaojun not hearing her words.

She sighs, watching Xiaojun make some coffee in the kitchen. She looks down, her eyes going to her bandaged foot, seeing small spots of blood from it.

She frowns, leaning back to her seat, staring at the chandelier on the high ceiling.

Her mind was in space, thinking about nothing and was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a soft thud onto he desk in front of her.

She lifts her head, seeing Xiaojun placing a mug of coffee in front of her before smiling.

"I hope you're okay with coffee. Anyway, tell me if your bandages gets dirty, so I can help you change them." Xiaojun sits across her this time.

"Thank you and no thanks, I can change the bandages on my own." She gives him a fake smile which Xiaojun considered obvious.

His eyes darkened when he notices her face turning blank, staring at the cup in front of her like it's the end of the world.

Xiaojun closes his eyes, relaxing himself. Changri glances at him before grabbing the cup, taking a sip of the coffee until she saw the coffee turning into red and drops it.

She screams in terror, remembering something her step-mother made her drink before.

Xiaojun jumps from his seat, immediately surprised when he heard her scream and heard the cup fall down which was luckily just plastic.

Xiaojun quickly makes his way towards her, trying to calm the screaming girl down.

"Hey! Hey! Shhh- I'm here... I'm here! It's okay.. it will be fine. It will be okay." He hugs her as Changri cries in his embrace, the vision still in her head.

Her breathing was heavy, making Xiaojun assume that she might pass out and he was right, she did pass out.

He sighs, carrying her to a bedroom, gently placing her on the bed. He checks her bandages and notices that it has to be changed, so he did that.

He then went back to the living room, noticing some light coming into the house. He grabs some tissue before looking out of the window, seeing the sun finally rising.

He picks up the cup, cleaning the cold coffee on the floor before remembering something.

He throws all the soaked tissue with coffee before grabbing his phone, messaging someone he knows who could help him with Changri.

He then wonders what Changri has experienced to make her look so terrified earlier.

Xiaojun starts to feel really guilty but he knew that he couldn't do anything about it since he wasn't there nor he really knew Changri but he does know something they share in common...

Xiaojun grabs the revolver before going to his room. He shuts the door behind him, removing his shirt before standing in front of his huge mirror.

He turns around, his head slightly turned to the side to take a glimpse of his back.

His back with a lot of scars from before and that's when his eyes darkened once again.

"I was tortured too,"

Jaemin groans softly, waking up from his slumber. He moves his head, one eye opening and noticing sunlight coming into his room.

He sits up, turning his head to look by the window and is seeing the rising sun.

He takes the necklace from the vanity beside his bed, noticing a pale, very pale light teal color showing from the bottom of the necklace's amulet.

He gets out from the bed, making his way to the living room to see Yang Yang putting some girl clothes in a bag.

"Whose that for?" Jaemin asks, sitting on the couch and just watch Yang Yang.

"Xiaojun told me he needs some and since my late sister left some of her clothes here, I'm letting him borrow until he buys new ones??" Yang Yang says, confusion audible in his tone.

Jaemin nodded and let Yang Yang do his thing.

"Hey, come with me to Xiaojun's house. I'm sure he doesn't mind at all for another guest." Yang Yang smiles at the boy as he zips the bag close.

Jaemin nods once again, smiling back at the boy. Yang Yang then excuses himself, rushing back to his room.

Jaemin looks at his hands, noticing that it has gotten a bit pale. He looks across the room, seeing the lady from before in the kitchen.

She looks at Jaemin, smiling before snapping her fingers and disappears. Jaemin looks at his hand again and it wasn't pale anymore.

"Get this over with..."



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