"And how do you suppose we separate? There's twelve of us, so why don't we do three groups of four or two groups of six?" Rose suggested. It took Scorpius awhile to comprehend all the math language, but then he understood. She made me look dumb sometimes, but I loved her too much to care, Scorpius thought, amused.

"I think it'd be easier to do two groups of six. That way, Hugo and Lily can go with you guys. I'll take the rest." Dominique said, speaking more to Albus and Rose. Both of them looked relieved at the idea.

In a way, Scorpius envied Albus and Rose having the responsibility to take care of their younger sibling. That kind of love was very different from the love between a couple. But luckily Scorpius didn't have that chance to deal with the burden if that sibling were to get hurt or worse, die.

Albus glanced at each of us, making sure we all agreed, then asked Dominique, "So where will your group go?"

"We were thinking of going to Molly and Lucy's grandparents' flat in London," Dominique replied, flipping her strawberry blonde hair, something Scorpius noticed she did a lot as she talked. "Aunt Audrey is a Muggle-born, so we figured we'd be safest in the Muggle world."

Scorpius had to admit; that was a great idea. But they could risk go with them in such a large group. They'd have to think of their own place to go. Maybe they'd leave that task to Rose. Hopefully it wouldn't take too long, because Scorpius could sense everyone was close to collapsing from exhaustion.

* * *

Shortly after the group of four had their conversation with Dominique, she led her group away and Disapparated herself and them to their hiding place in the Muggle world. Lily and Hugo came over and joined them. Albus wondered how him and his group were going to get to wherever they were going. Did Rose have an idea? She was the best person Albus knew when it came to plans.

Instead, Rose sighed in frustration. Not a good sign. "Ugh, I wish I could Disapparate! I've only tried once but I don't think it's safe that I try and do it with five other people."

Scorpius put his hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "It's fine, Rose. We'll find another way to seek a safe hiding place."

Albus knew Scorpius was just saying that to comfort Rose. But he could sense his best friend's fear.

Holly cleared her throat. She had been pretty quiet up until this point. Albus couldn't tell if that was because he was scared or if she was brainstorming ideas like that rest of them. It was hard to tell what Holly was thinking. This frustrated Albus.

Then Holly said, "How about we keep moving as we think of what to do? I feel like we're being watched..."

This made everyone shiver all at once. Neither of them protested, but starting walking in a random direction they figured was the safest.

After what seemed like hours, the group had to stop and rest. Everyone was panting into the cold air, their breaths swirling around their mouths like smoke. It was pitch black outside, which made the situation worse. Albus wanted more than anything to crawl into his bed back at the Burrow and sleep his exhaustion away. He was sure that's what the others were thinking too.

"I am so tired," Lily whined, rubbing her nose to get it warm again. Albus rolled his eyes. She just had to state the obvious.

"Where are we even going? Or are we just walking around like lost dogs?" Hugo snapped, the exhaustion already making him antsy. The boy had the patience of a four year old at a candy store.

"Hugo, hush," Rose said warningly. She looked close to pouncing on her little brother, but luckily was held back a few feet by Scorpius.

Hugo did have a point though. Where were they going? Shouldn't they already have a place they all agreed to go to by now? Maybe everyone was just too tired to think. Albus's mind felt like it was already dead from the cold.

Suddenly a loud twig snapped. Everyone froze. That had to be one of the six of them.

"That wasn't me," Hugo blurted out.

"Not me," Lily said squeaked.

"It wouldn't be a surprise, but it wasn't me," Holly said.

"Well it wasn't me," Rose said defiantly.

"Wasn't me," Scorpius muttered.

Albus gulped and squeaked out in a not-so-brave voice, "It wasn't me either. Well, who stepped on it?"

Neither of them said a word. Mainly because they didn't want whoever was near them to hear them. Had the Death Eaters found them? Surely they wouldn't have traveled so far out in the fields to find some dumb kids.

The twig snapped again. Instantly, everyone pulled out their wands and crowded in a circle, each facing outward to cover each direction. The grass rustled a bit in different places. Was it one person? Or more?

The step were louder and closer. Albus gulped. He was ready to perform a stunning spell when a voice spoke from behind the grass.

"Don't cast a spell! We won't hurt you!"

The voice wasn't rough like a Death Eater's. Where had Albus heard that familiar Scottish accent? And so there were two people?

More rustling came, and the footsteps came closer. Albus wasn't scared anymore and got out of his fighting stance, along with the others. Who were these two people that claimed to not be dangerous?

The first figure to emerge from the grass had really long, bright hair. The moonlight made the blonde look white. The first person who came to Albus's mind with bleach blonde hair was Draco Malfoy, but the figure was obviously a female due to her body shape. Could it be...?

"Mum?" Holly's eyes widened. She pulled her wand back out and muttered, Lumos, to get a better look. Indeed, it was Luna Longbottom.

Holly ran up to her mother and jumped into her arms, giving her a loving hug. Albus couldn't help but worry more about his mother. And she was fighting while pregnant with his future little sister.

Another figure emerged from the grass, and Holly squealed and hugged him. It was Neville Longbottom. He reunited with his daughter and wife and kissed each of their heads.

"Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom, what are you doing here?" Rose asked, with gratefulness in her voice. They were all grateful that they had two adults to help them.

"We came to take you to safety. We heard about what happened at the Burrow and knew this was urgent. After all, we have to protect our friends' children." Luna said, smiling. Albus was surprised Luna said something so maturely.

The group of six laughed with relief. Albus almost wanted to cry.

"So where are you taking us?" Lily asked them, bouncing anxiously on her feet.

Luna and Neville glanced at each other, then Neville replied, "Well, we have to make a stop somewhere first. And that's Malfoy Manor."

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