Chapter Four

Beginne am Anfang

Mike walked to the stand, shooting Arthit a glare on his way.

"Mr. Tanawat, the plaintiff has provided the court with an application alleging repeated abuse at your hands and that you have made terroristic threats towards the plaintiff. How do you respond to these allegations?"

"You honor, it is true that Arthit and I have fought over the years, but we were both injured in those skirmishes. Unfortunately, due to my size and my strength, Arthit sometimes got the worse of those injuries. I am not a violent man, your honor. I have never been arrested and Arthit has never filed charges against me until now. I believe Arthit has been coerced into filing this application against me. If I was such a bad person, why did he stay with me for so long and why has never called the police?"

"Mr. Tanawat, corroborating affidavits have been filed by plaintiff's counsel for his most recent injury to his wrist. Do you have an explanation for this?"

"Yes, I do. I visited Arthit at his shop because I was interested in reconciling with him. I was not drunk that day. While trying to talk with Arthit, I was attacked by his friend, making me fall to the ground. I suffered a gash to my forehead, which required several stitches. While falling to the ground, I landed on top of Arthit, and that's how he hurt his wrist."

"You are a FUCKING LIAR! You bastard!" Rome jumped to his feet and screamed at Mike. Arthit's attorney grabbed Rome's arm and pulled him back to his seat.

"Quiet, sir! This is not the place for such outbursts."

"But he's lying, your honor! He attacked Arthit and I had to defend him."

"Sir, I will not warn you again. Affidavits have been submitted on the plaintiff's behalf, so be seated. If you call out again, the bailiff will remove you from this courtroom. Have I made myself clear? Mr. Tanawat, thank you for your testimony. Please return to the respondent's table."

Mike headed back to his seat, but not before looking at Arthit and licking his lips. Arthit could feel the bile rising in his throat. He swallowed hard to keep from vomiting in the courtroom.

"Thank you everyone for your testimony. I will take a brief recess to consider everything and return with a decision on the application."

The bailiff stood between the tables, in front of the bench and announced, "court is in recess for one half hour."

Arthit ran from the courtroom in search of the restroom. He burst into the stall and emptied the contents of his stomach. Arthit could no longer hold his tears as he slumped to the floor and cried into his hands. He saw that his bandage was getting wet so he got up to get some hand towels from the dispenser. He was washing his face when heard the door open.

"Oh Arthit, when are you going to learn that you will never be free of me? Baby, don't you know how much I love you? I would do anything for you. Just come back to me. I promise I'll never lay another hand on you. I can't live without you."

Mike stepped towards Arthit. Arthit rushed back into the stall and locked the door.

"Stay away from me." He climbed atop the commode and crouched, holding his knees. Taking out his phone, he called Rome. Mike began kicking the stall door and calling Arthit's name.

"Arthit? Where are you?"

"Help me Rome. I'm in the restroom and Mike is here. I'm in the stall but he's kicking the door. Please bring help."

The kicking stopped and Arthit heard steps running towards the door. Believing Mike to have left, Arthit slowly unlocked the door and opened the stall door. Standing in front of the stall was Rome. Arthit immediately fell into his embrace, his body shaking from the sobs.

"Arthit, are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

Arthit shook his head.

"Rome, I can't go back in there and see him."

"Arthit, we have to go back in the courtroom and tell the judge what happened. If you don't, he may get away with this and the judge won't give you the restraining order."

"I can't, Rome. I don't think I can be in the same room with him. I'm scared."

"Arthit, he can't hurt you inside the courtroom. Come on. I'll be right there with you. You have to try, okay?"

Arthit closed his eyes and slowly nodded. Rome held his hand and placed his other arm around his shoulders.

Entering the courtroom, Rome could see Mike sitting at his table smugly watching he and Arthit. He shielded Arthit from his view and glared at him. Rome leaned over to Arthit's attorney and told him what just transpired.

The bailiff retuned to the courtroom and announced the judge. She once again took the bench and addressed the litigants. Arthit's lawyer stood and asked if he could approach the bench. Granting his request, both attorneys approached the bench and spoke with the judge.

Returning to his table, Arthit's attorney sighed deeply and leaned over to whisper to Arthit and Rome. Arthit put his head down and cried.

"Having reviewed the evidence presented here today, I find that there is no basis to grant the plaintiff's application for a protective order. Court adjourned."

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