Chapter 1

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Italy ran from the meeting. He was betrayed by the ones he called friends. Were they even his friends in the first place? He doesn't know. Their words echoed in his mind. What words? I don't know. I'm just a narrator who was written just now. We'll have to wait to find out. Anyways, while the fourth wall is being repaired, let's take a look at one of our main characters.

Italy's blue military uniform was dirty and bloody. He was beat up after the words of betrayal were said. His auburn hair glistened in the sun and his gravity-defying curl was crooked. Light buttercup gold eyes filled with childlike innocence had sadness and betrayal in them, not the happiness they had if you even got the chance to see them. His eyes were always closed for a reason, after all. Slightly tan skin was littered in cuts and bruises and you could see some hand prints.

He ran into the woods near his home. How did he get there? He doesn't know and doesn't care. He ran and ran until his legs gave out. Kinda funny. He always thought his only redeeming feature was his fast feet. Today proved that right. He ran away before Russia could use his 'magical metal pipe of pain' on him. He looked up and saw a tree. It was tall and plain looking. Perfect for climbing.

Italy climbed the tree and began to think about his life choices. Was he really that annoying? He doesn't mean to be, that's just how his mind works. A coward? Just because he runs away and surrenders doesn't mean he's a coward. He beat Turkey all by himself and won his independence from Austria! A stupid, retarded nation? He's an artist. Just because he asks a lot of questions doesn't make him stupid.

A laugh was carried by the wind. He looked down and saw another hallucination. A young boy was at the bottom of the tree. His hair was the color of the sun and his blue eyes were so beautiful, you couldn't help but get lost in them. His fair skin was glowing slightly, signifying that he was just an illusion. He wore a dashing black clad hat and a matching cloak that flowed in the wind. You could see he wore a long black tunic and tan-colored breeches underneath the cloak. "Ti amo, Italia." His words echoed in Italy's mind. Holy Rome, Italy thought, I'm sorry for being such a disappointment. Italy cried. His love died when they were so young and he was there to witness his death.

This isn't what Acel would've wanted. He would've wanted me to keep going even after his death and to stay the same. I've kept my personality the same because it reminds me of those days. The days where my love was alive. Ti amo, Acel. My husband.

He looked back down and the boy was gone. He wiped his tears and looked at the sky. Was his love there? With Grandpa Rome and Uncle Germania? "Italy!" A voice rang out, disturbing the peace of the forest. It had a German accent. A young German teen, around 13 or 14, ran into the forest. He had luscious, soft white hair that was messy. His pale skin glistened and made him look like a ghost with the patches of leaves covering the sun. Crimson red eyes had worry in them as they searched the branches, knowing that Italy would've climbed a tree. His military uniform was a dirty navy blue color. His name? Prussia or, what he prefers to be called, Gillbert Beilschmidt II.

Gillbert soon found Italy in a tree. "Italy! Please come down! I'm sorry for what mein brüder said!" he pleaded. Italy was surprised Gillbert apologized for his brother's words. "You don't have to apologize for what your fratello said about me. He's right, though..." he trailed off. Gillbert was shocked. What his brother said was wrong! Italy isn't a weak, cowardly, good-for-nothing nation. Italy is the best nation out there, in his opinion.

"Nein! Mein brüder is wrong! You're awesome, just like me! Kesesesese!" he yelled, hoping it would lift the Italian's spirit. Italy was surprised. He didn't expect Gillbert to say he was awesome or proclaim himself as awesome. It reminded him of the first Gillbert. The one that died after his nation was dissolved. His death was... traumatizing. The first Gillbert melted in front of the others. He cried for days after the incident. After all, the first Gillbert was technically his brother in law. Time skip a few years later, Gillbert II shows up. Germany only trusted Japan and him to be with his new little brother when he couldn't be around.

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